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Vs. Yang and Yun


Recommended Super: All 3 can be used

Hadou Burst for consistent damage and to punish some of unsafer slashes
Shoryu cannon for damage and to stop his dive kick game
Hyper Tornado to punish every variation of slash (other than LP), his unsafer normals, etc.

Moves that can be Tackled:

Standing HP
Standing HK
Crouching HK
Far Standing MK
LK + MK + HK Target combo
Close MK launcher
Senkyutai's (if blocked low)
SA2 (risky)

Important normals to use:

Standing Forward beats out all of his low kicks (especially Cr. MK)

Crouching Fierce beats out crouch tech and his dive kicks when up close

Crouching Forward for whiff punishing with super

Far Fierce is good since Yang can't punish far fierce on block at max range even with meter
and it beats out his dive kicks from a distance

Match-up Knowledge

Round start Yang is liable to beat most of what you decide to press if you're too slow. Sean can beat most of what he decides to press with far HP (timed frame perfect) or delayed far MP. 

Slash parry timing depends on distance, meaning the further he is when he slashes
the later the timing for parrying and so on.

If you're going to play Shotos against the twins, you can -generally- try to dp/super them after
taking/blocking a short divekick. Many people like to jump up, and a lot of those people don't parry because
they're just thinking about dive-kicking again. Granted, if it's a Yun with a good amount of bar,
he can always just high parry -> kill you, but then again you're not always going to do that.

Dive-kicks can be beaten with Jump back HK.
Throwing a twin with forward throw and dashing up after them is a no-no.

IIRC [just like ken], they can quick recover and throw you while you're still dashing. So just walk toward them patiently.

Low rh isn't safe, but just do it smarter than most people and you generally won't die for it unless the other guy is alert.

For Yang, you have to focus on movement and dealing with his dive-kick game.
If he gets on top of you, you just have to be patient and look for openings to escape.

You just have to make mobility and spacing your primary focus. If he can't comfortably approach
without a jump in,  he's going to have a lot of problems unless his ground game is super solid.

Yang is -1 after LP Slash, meaning the fastest thing he can do will be 4 frames. If he's within range, buffer down parry into walk forward kara throw works as one of the safer options.

The first slash (any variation) can be LP tackled, effectively resetting neutral.

If Yang slashes twice, SA2 will punish it on reversal

Yang's Punishable moves:

St. HP (if second hit whiffs)
Far HK
Cr. HK
Far HP

Slashes frame data:

1st/2nd/3rd LP Slash: -1/-4/-7 on block
1st/2nd/3rd MP Slash: -5/-8/-11 on block
1st/2nd/3rd HP Slash: -9/-12/-15 on block

EX Slash: -4/-6/-8/-11/-9 on block


Recommended Super: All 3 can be used

Hadou Burst for consistent damage and to punish some of unsafer slashes
Shoryu Cannon for damage and to stop his dive kick game and punish some of his GJ normals
Hyper Tornado to punish his unsafe moves and some of his normals in GJ

Basic strategy is as follows: Walk towards Yun and put pressure on him.
Do not dash; do not jump. Just walk forward. Yun does lots of random stuff.
If you dash, you are at risk of getting hit by all the random moves he whiffs to get meter, or worse, a random shoulder charge.
You do not want to get knocked down by Yun.
You just want to steadily apply pressure on Yun and get him into the corner.
Getting knocked down doesn’t help you achieve this goal.
So don’t dash. Don’t jump either. Yun has too many anti air mixups.
If Yun is on the ground, you stay on the ground, and just walk towards him.

Now if you continue to walk towards Yun, he is going to get backed into the corner, and he doesn’t want this, so jumping is his answer to this.

When Yun jumps, you jump towards him at the same time. Jump roundhouse as early as you can.
If you catch Yun on the way up, or if he goes for a dive kick, you will hit him.

You have to pay close attention to Yun and be ready to jump as soon as you see him jump.
If Yun is across the screen, wait and be patient.
Yun is jumping to counter the pressure you are putting on him, either by jumping to escape, or attack by dive kicking.

You jump kick him to knock him back down and keep putting pressure on him so you can get him into the corner.

If you manage to get Yun into the corner, you now have the advantage.
Yun has very few options to deal with being down in the corner.
If Yun is on his feet and has some distance from you, he is going to try to jump his way out of the corner.
Watch for this and jump with him. If you knock him down in the corner, Yun is almost helpless to get himself out of this situation.
He has no high priority wake up move without wasting meter, and Yun doesn’t want to waste his meter!
If he goes for EX dragon kick and hits you, who cares. Yun’s super meter going in the opposite direction is always a good thing.

But back to the corner. If you knock him down, the only way Yun can really escape is to wake up throw, or wake up parry.
Yun gets up from a knock down really fast, and can throw you before you get your next move out if you are not quick enough.

Most Yuns will wake up throw the majority of the time because it’s usually in his favor.
The other option for Yun in this situation is to parry. If you have no meter, he will absolutely wake up high parry. Sean can’t do anything low which he can verify against Yun, so Yun is expecting TC or Cl.HK which means he is only going to parry high.

A Yun might even wake up option parry throw. That is his best tactic to get him out of the corner.
Knowing this, you should always do low forward jab Dragon Punch to Yun as he gets up.
You will usually hit him because he is either going for a throw or high parry. Low forward Dragon Smash earns a knockdown.

When Sean is near the corner, there are 4 ways Yun can start Genei Jin.

1), He can hit you with jab short strong chain combo or stand forward. This is the worst possible scenario, never let this happen. It’s 100% your fault if you let this happen. If Yun has meter, don’t do anything stupid to get hit. If he dive kicks at you, just block.That leads us to...
2), he can start it next to you when you are blocking.
3), he can knock you down and start Genei Jin. And..
4), he starts it across the screen.

When Yun has meter, he wants to start Genei Jin next to you, but also in a way that he is safe and gets first attack to maintain control. Therefore, Yun wants to do 1, 2 or 3. So its Sean’s job is to make him do 4.

When Yun has meter, don’t get hit, don’t get knocked down, and don’t let him get next to you.
Give him no choice but to start Genei Jin on the other side of the screen.

Back to the middle of the screen. You are walking towards Yun to force him into the corner, but before you can react in time he jumps and dive kicks you.
Yun is attacking you, but he has no meter, so nothing to worry about.

After a dive kick, generally there are 3 things he could do:

1) chain combo/stand forward
2) command grab, or
3) jump again

If Yun has no meter, and he lands and attacks with chain combo or anything else and Sean blocks, Yun has accomplished nothing.

In fact, he is at a disadvantage, especially if he does jab short strong chain.
If Sean blocks this, he can SA2 before he recovers.

But even if he hits you, no big deal, that damage means nothing in the grand scheme of things.
A good Yun knows that chain combo accomplishes nothing, so he is most likely going to command grab or jump again.

Command grab gets a knock down and he has advantage to first attack.
Jumping is his other good option because he can repeat the process and dive kick you again, jump and cross up dive kick you, or simple jump away.

So when Yun dive kicks you, as soon as he lands, chain combo him.
If he jumps or command grabs, you hit him. Even better, option parry forward as you Target combo, this covers all 3 options Yun has.

Also Target Combo, never Dragon Smash. If Yun jumps, he can instant air parry on the way up.
Short whiffed dive kick or roundhouse blocked dive kick, it’s all the same, always Target Combo him.

Basically advanced Yuns will only tick from close range with jabs and shorts and then
command grab and also try to confirm into launch after the ticks in aticipation of your counter to the throw.

Simply block and get grabbed is the best option.
Yun won't get a whole lot of damage or meter from the grab so he will have to retreat to build meter so you can chase him into a corner that way. One other thing Yun's may try is to jump into air chain then command grab or low short palm launch.

Most Yun's expect people to try to parry the air chain which is what they want cause they will change the timing or they will empty jump low short plam or command throw.
When your blocking Gene-jin ticks and looking for overheads/possilbe ticks throws, also look for jumps.

If Yun sees you trying to box him in he will eventually jump to dive kick at you or try to get behind you.
just pressure him by moving closer and he will be forced to fight out of a corner or jump.
It is important to stay just within Sean's sweep range against Yun at all times because you are out of range for his pokes and you can sweep him if
he wiffs anything, and this prevents him from wiffing low strongs to charge meter.
The most important part about keeping that distance is that you can punish all divekicks on reaction.
It requires some training in practice mode but you should be able to Jab Dragon Smash roundhouse and forward dive kicks on reaction and
you can walkup standing strong-Dragon Smash (if close) or jab-short-super against short dive kicks that will wiff.

One other note is that you must learn to red parry Yuns target combo because
good Yuns will abuse its ability to beat out certain moves with its speed and use it a lot, however expert Yuns will never finish the target combo
becuase they can confirm off the first 2 hits, and they expect expert Kens to red parry the strong.

With the correct spacing, Towards Roundhouse/UOH can hop over his shoulder charge, leaving him open to be punished.
The last hit of Yun's MP-HP-B+HP can be tackled on red parry, along with Dash punches.
Parry any/every shoulder charge on block
Both of Yun's TC's can be punished with SA3 on block (SA1 and 2 can punish 1-1-2-3)

The best place for Sean is when he has the twins cornered.
Try mixing up tick throws, fake throw into combo, and do whatever it takes to bait throws.
You can land low forward -> Dragon Smash in the corner to knockdown. See how they react to pressure.

Situation #1 Mashing on wakeup
Response: Meaty Close Strong into TC, Close Fierce or Roundhouse into either super or Dragon Smash if they are standing.

Situation #2 They just sit there
Response: Pause, option select parry high into throw.

Situation #3 Wake up EX.
Response: Block and punish

Situation #4 Option select throw escape
Response: Low parry into combo of your choice. I like low forard -> Dragon Smash -> SA1 or 2.
It does a lot of damage on the twins...especially since they are crouching.

Once you have them cornered, watch for any whiffs like crouching forward....and punish with low forward -> Super.
It's much easier punishing whiffs when you got them backed in the corner.

You can do a lot of setups for frame trapping/fake throws.
For example, crouching short, pause, crouching short x 2 or something like meaty standing fierce into low strong.

For punishing divekicks there are couple of things you can do.

Situation #1 They jump from far away or jump when cornered
Response: Ex Wheel/EX (or Reg) Dragon Smash in the corner.

Situation #2 They jump from inside mid range.
Response: Early jump roundhouse

Situation #3 You parried a dive kick
Response: Close Roundhouse x SA2 or Wait then Close Fierce x Dragon Smash x SA1 or 2

Situation #4 You blocked a mistimed dive kick which lands really really high.
Response: Throw, super, EX Dragon Smash, or Option Select Parry

When Yun activates GJ, you should back away (don't dash back since yun might try shoulders) and block low.
While he's activated, you should keep an eye out for toward+fierce, overhead, and shoulder tackles.
You should never let Yun land his chain combo into GJ.
Make him activate from far away and buffer high parries when he's not in range to go low.
If he blocks it, then he can't do too much damage since his meter will be gone.
Sometimes Yun will dash during GJ can throw him during this so keep an eye out for that as well.
If you ever do score a knockdown while he's still might want to just low forward super him as he gets up or
low parry since 99% of Yun players will be mashing on wakeup.

The twins share a lot of the same weaknesses.
Their dash is pretty horrible and their throw range isn't that good.
Their neutral throw does decent stun though if you don't counter mash.
They also have poor stamina and weak wakeup.
If you get an opening, you should always do the most damaging combo possible.

Yun's punishable moves:

Far HP
Far MK
Far HK
Cr. HK
Towards HP

MP Shoulder: -3 on block
HP Shoulder: -5 on block

Dealing with Dive-Kicks

LK Dive-Kick Feint/Baits

You can do a few things if it's in your face, don't hesitate to option throw. 
There's a point where you can block if they did a MK or HK dive kick, and you can throw them before they can throw you when they dive kick in your face. 

If you're feeling lucky you can even trip guard them with Cr. MK x Dragon Smash. 
Whatever you do though, it isn't smart to parry and save that for a later mixup after you used the first two. 

If they feint/bait outside of you throw range be careful, and either T + HK or Far HP to poke 
(safer since they often parry downwards) or Cr. MK x Super if they get used to it. 
You can still trip guard into Dragon Smash if you want to. 

The reason this is safe most of the time is because even if you get hit by a MK or HK while attempting this, you can still recover in time to block (usually crosses up if it hits you, so just block or parry). 

One last thing you can do is option Dragon Smash. 
Input the D.S. and it will parry other dive kicks, and if they feint/bait in front of you, you will D.S. their Cr. LK or grab.

Usually hits them before they land anyway. If they are too far, you can SA1,, etc.. 
Another really good one is jumping forward with roundhouse, or if you meet him in the air, jumping strong is good too.

MK Dive-Kicks 

These usually hit you late and give them a slight advantage or neutral.
On block you can try to D.S their mix-up, but as you know it can be baited. 

You can try to parry or red parry Yun's St. LP, I would at least. I recommend red parrying low since it will parry his Cr. LK too, and it takes a while for him to walk up and close 
Yang not so much cause he can do slashes. At a range, hits this pretty clean.

DS will always beat the MK dive kick when he's close (or any Dive for that matter). Cl.hp is a good option that can also hit it clean or trade, both in your favor. If you catch it early, you can Cl. HK too, it's hard for them to feint/bait that normal 
because they would have to be pretty far. 

I stole this from a Japanese player...he likes to neutral jump MK a lot. 
In match, it's hard to remember, but it looks very effective and pushes them into the corner pretty well.

HK Dive-Kicks  

These are pretty simple to punish. Probably the easiest to parry, but that isn't recommended still because to do that you would be guessing, and getting hit is not in your favor vs the twins, as far as space control goes. 

These are usually far since that's where they work the best. 
If they dive kick towards your head or neck from a close range, you have a good amount of frame advantage over them and you should poke them or mix it up. Though now that i do remember, i usually do like to parry vs dive kicks if they're cornered, since that's what they're most likely to go for to try and get out. 

Simple Cl. HP's and DS' beat these pretty clean also. 
If you want to get away, you can dash back from their dive kick and mix it up from a neutral position.

All far dive kicks  

These are from far ranges, but here's my favorite normals to use:

Very far 

Far HP, Towards HK, St. MK. 

Far fierce is actually an excellent move to use when timed right and 
will beat dive kicks clean. If they are very far, they shouldn't be able to be in range to bait this. 

Far HK is pretty much the same thing, with arc added to it. 

St. MK is good if they land on it passed the knee part of his body, has really good priority and knocks them away.


St. MP, Neutral Jump MK, Jump Forward Roundhouse. 

St. MP is the safest, very fast and high priority. 

Neutral Jumping MK is good too, just make sure you don't stick it out if they did a LK dive kick, 
because they will land sooner and parry + punish.

For Jump Forward Roundhouse, the only thing they can pretty much do is 
parry to counter it, so use this when you see them jump up in the air.

the near ones are explained above.

If they neutral jump near and like to hk or mk, just either block or DP. 
Block most of the time is better of course, but if they are continuously doing it then put the fear of DP in there.

Random edit: UOH is a good tool to use vs the twins to avoid grabs and lows. 
Also St. MK pokes them out of a lot of stuff, and they will have to resort to trying to parry for it later on. 
Use this to your advantage and mind game them with your basic low forward x Super.

Dirty- Dive Kicks

There is a particular dive kick the twins can do where as they cross-over you as they're jumping, they can input a dive kick the opposite directions for a cross-up dive kick that puts them on the same side. This kind of dive kick can be dealt with by pressing back (to parry it) then forward (to block in case timing is off). On block the dive kick is around -6 but the thing is you have to wait for twins to recover before they hit the ground which by then they will have recovered and can parry, tech throws, etc.

Parry into LP Dragon Smash can catch them before they land (even auto-corrects as well)

The fastest button that Sean has is St. LP (3 frame start-up) which will trade (or beat) with Yun's jab upon landing after dive-kick.


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