In this match-up you're essentially playing a mirror but the opponent has more/better options than you do and can do more damage than you can without the need of meter easily.
EX Fireball can be a pain in the ass if you're not paying attention. Its very fast and can make a lot of Ryu's cancel-able normals safe due to its neutral advantage on block so Parrying (yet again) is an important aspect of this match-up.
Ryu's J. MP can be annoying if you forget that he has it, especially when it comes to his Air-to-Air game.
Ryu vs. Sean:
Ryu has a better Kara-Throw
Ryu has a projectile w/o having to stock super (EX being one of the best in the game)
Ryu has better specials
Ryu does more damage w/o meter
Sean's only advantages over Ryu are:
Movement speed and overall mobility
Being able to ignore Denjin and other projectiles with Zenten, Wheels or SA2/3
Being able to punish him with SA1 and 3
Able to follow up after a deeply hit DP unlike Ryu
Recommended Supers: All 3 are good.
Hadou Burst - for consistent damage, punish his EX Tatsu on block, etc.
Shoryu Cannon -for damage and corner pressure/juggles, can bail Sean out of chip-out traps (like EX fireball x Shinku) and goes through Denjin on start-up (up close)
Hyper Tornado - for damage, punish his EX Tatsu and unsafe normals, can also bail Sean out of some chip-out traps and goes through Denjin on start-up (from far away)
Cl. HP
Far HP
Cr. HP
St. HK
Cr. HK (Can be EX Tackled)
Far MK
T + MP (if not done as Meaty)
Ryu's Punishable Moves:
Anti-Denjin measures:
EX Fireball can be a pain in the ass if you're not paying attention. Its very fast and can make a lot of Ryu's cancel-able normals safe due to its neutral advantage on block so Parrying (yet again) is an important aspect of this match-up.
Ryu's J. MP can be annoying if you forget that he has it, especially when it comes to his Air-to-Air game.
Ryu vs. Sean:
Ryu has a better Kara-Throw
Ryu has a projectile w/o having to stock super (EX being one of the best in the game)
Ryu has better specials
Ryu does more damage w/o meter
Sean's only advantages over Ryu are:
Movement speed and overall mobility
Being able to ignore Denjin and other projectiles with Zenten, Wheels or SA2/3
Being able to punish him with SA1 and 3
Able to follow up after a deeply hit DP unlike Ryu
Recommended Supers: All 3 are good.
Hadou Burst - for consistent damage, punish his EX Tatsu on block, etc.
Shoryu Cannon -for damage and corner pressure/juggles, can bail Sean out of chip-out traps (like EX fireball x Shinku) and goes through Denjin on start-up (up close)
Hyper Tornado - for damage, punish his EX Tatsu and unsafe normals, can also bail Sean out of some chip-out traps and goes through Denjin on start-up (from far away)
Sean Specific Knowledge
Ryu's neutral is problematic to deal with solely cause his buttons are just flat out faster than yours are, if not the same speed. The big issue in this match-up for Sean is dealing with his St. MK, since Sean doesn't have much that can just flat out beat it. So again, he's stuck looking for the whiff punish (or SA3 punish on block if close enough) like in other match-ups with similar situations.
If Ryu decides to EX or HP Shoryuken on wake-up, its a free jump-in on block for Sean.
Fireball, as said above, can be a bit problematic. It can be 0 upwards to +4 on block depending on what its cancelled from and where. Take note that at max range Cr. MK, fireball doesn't combo or blockstring. Sean can EX DP his way through.
Tackle-able Normals:
Cl. HP
Far HP
Cr. HP
St. HK
Cr. HK (Can be EX Tackled)
Far MK
T + MP (if not done as Meaty)
Ryu's Punishable Moves:
- Cl. HP - Punishable with SA1 or 3.
- Cr. HP - Very slow recovery move, Sean can even punish it with Cr. MK x SA1 or 3.
- Far HP - Punishable with SA3 only.
- Far MK - Punishable with SA3 only.
- Cr. MK - Punishable with SA3 only if it was done as reversal. Only up close.
- Far HK - Punishable on block, you can't cancel it into other moves. Be careful when you use it.
- Cr. HK - Depending on what range was Ryu's Cr. HK blocked, Sean can punish it with Cr. MK x Super or Cr. HK. When he's not in range for Cr. MK or Cr. HK, Sean can punish it SA1 and 3. When Ryu's Cr. HK is blocked at near max distance, Sean can reversal SA1 and 3.
- Hadouken - If done in range of Sean's SA3, it's punishable.
- Tatsumaki - Punishable even with normal moves. EX Tatsumaki is punishable with SA1 and 3.
- Joudan Geri - Punishable even with normal moves.
Punishing his DP's:
- LP SRK - Forward Blue Parry then Jump cross-up MK x Cl. MP x Dragon Smash
- MP SRK - Forward Blue Parry then Jump HP x Cl. MP x HP Dragon Smash
- HP SRK - Forward Blue Parry, *Back-dash* then Jump HP x Cl. MP x HP Dragon Smash
- EX SRK - Forward Blue Parry x2/Red Parry x1, *take a step forward* then Jump HP x Cl. MP x HP Dragon Smash
Cl. HP is safe on block vs. Ryu because he has nothing fast enough to punish it. This in mind, makes Cl. HP x EX Tornado a good confirm in this match-up.
Anti-Denjin measures:
- Roll is really good in this MU, as it mitigates the mix-up of "will he charge Denjin or not" since if the Ryu is keen on delaying it, Sean can just roll out of the way.
- EX Dragon Smash is also an option, since its so invincible it can hit Ryu through the initial hadouken and will trade with Denjin (this is only if he delays the Denjin slightly).
- SA2 is really good here since its so invincible you can just super through set-ups like Far MP x Hadou x SA3
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