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Vs. Makoto

Full Power Match-up

Sean can combo into LP Tackle off of a jump-in (its not easy) which does 54 DMG and builds over 40 pts. of meter. Pretty much a Ryu-level combo which is great for Sean since if he gets an opening for a jump-in combo, this one is really good.

Recommended Super:

Hadou Burst for consistent damage and meter
Shoryu Cannon for damage and corner pressure/juggles
Hyper Tornado for damage*

*In this match-up, Sean has an extra confirm into SA3 via Target combo on Makoto standing. Meaning Cl.MP holds a bit more weight in this match-up than it normally does. It's a 1-frame link but with practice can be used.

Tackle-able Normals:

T + HP
Cr. HP
T + HK
T + MK

Zenten is important in this match-up as it goes underneath Hayates and evades Karakusas.
Towards Roundhouse evades Karakusa as well.

All but 2 of her normals (Cr. HP and Cr. LK) can be parried high.

General Shoto Knowledge

As far as Makoto jumping i'm sure you knew you could DS her from the start. Depending on the distance you can dash under, or away to avoid the mix-up.

Meeting her in the air with jumping roundhouse is good too but don't turn it into a game of who attacks in the air first, save this for later.

Neutral jumping roundhouse (late or later) or forward (a little earlier) can knock her out of the air too.

As far as the ground game's pretty much the same as in other match-ups.You should use her inability to effectively walk and poke to your advantage. So that means she'll have to throw out some random pokes if she wants to stop your dash in throws. At that point you can just walk and low forward x Dragon Smash or walk up low parry and punish.

If you parry her even at max range you can Cr. HP x SA1 and 3.

Whatever you do though, don't whiff too many standing or crouching strongs. Its not completely fool-proof vs her dash and still can get you karakusa'd so be careful.

UOH is good to move forward with and be safe on occasion. She can dash under this too but if she's not prepared to punish you for it then you'll be fine as long as you don't gamble.

I really don't recommend playing too solid, i prefer to match however wild the Makoto player is playing at the time.

Low short x 2, 3, or 4, walk up Cr. MP, St. MK, whatever to keep her out while getting in.

Forward (hold) down, d/f + P. it parries her J. MK and DS's her limb, or
if they did a tsurugi or late hk it will anti air DS them. This loses to air parry though.

Otherwise, if you want to play safe, just dash away from it, or dash under if you smell a tsurugi.

But, I highly recommend not parrying Makoto's jump ins because it will only beat 1 out of her many options...
and if it doesn't succeed then you're put into a bad situation afterwards (mixup that isn't in your favor).

When Mak dashes after blocked late axe kick or non-meaty blocked, she is -2. Meaning if you're running SA2, you can reversal punish if you can react to it.

Sean Specific Knowledge

The biggest issue in this MU is Makoto's Cr. MP and Cr. MK as Sean doesn't really have any buttons that can contest them at that range as they are either too slow or get out-prioritized. 

Basically this entire match-up revolves around not wanting to engage in the mid-range/low forward range and whiff punishing Cr. MP/MK meanwhile stopping her dashes. 

So what you want to do is stand at Sean's max range where he can threaten with dash throw and go from there. At that range, Far fierce will easily beat A few steps forward and you can catch the tip of it with Cr. MP (which can lead into SA1 or 3)

(this is the range where you can Cr. MP her Cr. MP without getting tagged unless she walks forward)

This match-up can turn into "who dashes in first" really quick so just be ready with your dash prevention methods.

Punishing SA2:

You can punish SA2 3 different ways (which is sick) with each method yielding different benefits:
  • Red Parry 2nd and 3rd hit 
    • Neutral Super Jump into J.HK/HP x walk back Cl. HP x LP Tackle (Best Meter-less damage)
  • Red Parry 2nd hit
    • MP Zenten walk forward J. HP x Cl. HP x HP Dragon Smash (Best meter gain, highest damage/stun with SA1)
  • Red Parry 2nd hit, Jump parry the 3rd hit
    • J. HK x Cl. HP x HP Dragon Smash (same meter gain as the 2nd but easier to land at the cost of a little damage)

Dealing with post-Hayate mix-ups:

Her options are as such:
  • Hayate again (or Hayate feint)
  • Cr. LK or St. LK x Hayate or EX Chop
  • Karakusa
  • Instant air EX Tsurugi
  • St.MP or Cr. MP
  • J.HK/HP
  • Parry/Block
Your options:
  • Back Dash (Beats Karakusa and normals slower than her LK's but loses to another hayate or Cr.MP)
    • You usually recover faster than she does when you back dash, enough to where you can dash back in and get a Cl. HP x DP punish.
  • Kara EX Dragon Smash (Beats everything except for parry/block or a very late timed Karakusa)
    • The reason you have to kara here is cause her Cr. LK will beat out the EX due to hitbox/hurtbox placements. Also it doesn't hurt to sort of "delay" your invincibility by a frame.
  • LP Roll (Same as Back Dash)
  • Guard/Parry Jump
  • Kara-Throw
If you parry the Cr. LK here, its perfect range for a kara-throw.

If she cancels her parried normal into a hayate, its a free jump-in off a read (like Yang and his slashes) so keep it in mind.

Options post-LP Dragon Smash:


Dash Forward, Whiff 2 Cr. MPs or Cl.HK and Cr. MP (4-5pts of meter) then
  • UOH 
  • Cr. MK
  • Sweep

Kara Taunt to put you closer on KND then
  • Far MP xx Super
  • Cr. LK xx Cr. MP x Super
  • Kara Throw

Options post-EX Dragon Smash mid-screen:

  • Kara Far HP UOH  x St.MK/Super
  • Cr. MK x SA1/3
  • Sweep

Post-Basketball SA3 combos:

  • Cr. LK x St. LP x MP Dragon Smash
  • Cl. MP xx Cl.MP x LP Dragon Smash (Micro-walk a step after throwing the ball)
  • Target Combo
  • Cl. MP x LP Tackle
  • Cr. LK x LP Tackle
  • Cr. LK xx Sweep


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