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Vs. Alex

Recommended Super: All 3 are good. SA1 and 2 more than the 3rd but they're still good.

SA1  to consistent damage vs. him and poke him out of his moves to confirm into
SA2: for damage, corner juggles and can punish his Stomps on block heavily
SA3: To punish his Stomp, EX Elbow, EX Slash (if blocked crouching), B + HP, and St/Cr. HK

Tackle-able Normals:

Standing HK (Can be EX Tackled)
Crouching HK (Can be EX Tackled)
T + HP

General Knowledge

Focus on anti airing him first and foremost.

All alex players want to jump. why? because alex's ground game is weak

Use far HP, Dragon Smash, c.fp xx whatever(if they parry), late far (they land on it), s.jab...etc etc.

Don't try to use parry as your primary anti air.

Alex's main ground poke against Sean is, because it tends to go over, but its very laggy and
you can punish it on whiff.

You should tend to do more high meaties on alex because should he try to wakeup stomp
(which will beat you if you try to he will be hit with a full combo.
Because of this, SMART alex players, will tend to parry high more against Shotos.
Also, don't try to straight up throw him on wakeup very much either, because of the stomp.
Walk up, jump back rh is very effective against alex, if he tries to wakeup stomp or wakeup throw,
you kick him in the face.

Should you let a stomp get past you, "just defend it".
Its a technique used in 3s that effectively stops crossup ambiguity if performed correctly.
Right as the attack would hit you (with parry timing) tap a direction.
you will either parry or block the stomp, and you don't get knocked down.
Stomp is unsafe on block against Sean with SA3 too, so you can just reversal super it.

You want to play patient and smart in this matchup, if you don't, its easy for alex to land
j.fp xx ex chop and potentially win the round.
You want to walk a lot to be ready for his jumpins, and avoid random ex shoulder charge.
If you have meter, and you block a shoulder charge (normal or ex) reversal super.

Its also important to realize alex's low game is extremely lacking.
He does not have a low hit confirm, or even a low combo outside of xx sa2 or TC. Sweep is really unsafe.

Also, while you should throw out random normals (alex can stop this)
you should throw out enough normals to deter random dashing.

The key in this match as with most if you're a shoto player is knowledge.
You have to know when to be on Alex and when to lay off, tick throws and keeping yourself at mid-range work well,
baiting his throws might not be such a good idea because of his throw speed, but if you can do it then throw that in there,
remember to mix-up your dash ins with, target combo, and throw.
Now don't go thinking Alex is no threat now because if you take a knockdown when you have no meter
he can destroy you with standing Heavy Punch, power-bomb, stomp.
Stay away from corners and you should be fine, standard anti-airs will work nicely,
Alex really has nothing to do in the air anyway.
Gauge his reactions to certain things and attack accordingly for example,
the alex player i play against usually pokes at me after a standing mk so I SRK a guaranteed hit almost all the time.
The Rundown, unlike alotta characters Alex with meter isn't so scary, he needs his EX so he won't be using his actual super
too much. Just mix it up, get some knockdowns, find when you can land super and do so.
It shouldn't be too hard, considering his main move in my opinion (EX Slash Elbow) can be beat by DS
(or trade in Sean's favor) or St.MP/Cr. MP if you see it coming, which actually isn't that hard after just playing against alex for a while.

When guard jumping vs Alex's command grab on wake-up, just jump straight up and come down into a full combo (J. HK x Cr. MK x HP Dragon)

Esoteric Knowledge

  • Cr. HP at max range is completely un-punishable; Relatively strong meaty option as it catches all of his wake-up options albeit being high/low parry-able. Catches a lot of his normals at range while still being able to cancel into SA1 or 3 when you have it. (All this also applies to Cr. MP)
  • Blocking EX Slash crouching makes the 2nd hit whiff, making it -5 on block which means SA3 punish when stocked.
  • Cr. LK x St. LP x MP Dragon works on him; If the St. LP whiffs, the DP wont come out if done fast enough leaving you at -1 in kara throw/Cl.HK range
  • Cl. HK x EX Tornado works on him whether stand or crouching
  • Cr. LK x St. LP x St. LP x SA2 works on him standing only
  • Alex's will choose not to quickstand in the corner, knowing the shoto mix-up potential which gives Sean a free taunt opportunity instead
  • Blocking EX Knee on wake-up is a free jump in 


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