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Vs. Hugo

This match-up can be tough if you don't know how to deal with:
  • Cross-up Splashes
  • Clap Mix-ups
  • 360/throw mix-ups on wake-up
  • Corner pressure
The key to this match-up is staying out of Hugo's 360 range. Keeping him trapped in the corner while camping mid-screen is highly preferred.

Wheel kicks aren't that effective in this match-up either due to his backbreaker that can rather easily grab you out of the air. EX is a better option because it hits 3 times on hit or block but still is meant to be used very sparingly. 

Another thing about this match-up, specifically SA1 Hugo is that he can punish EX Tornado on hit with Gigas due to its start-up. This means instead of using EX Tornado, use EX Dragon Smash when up close since both points of the DP will hit when canceled from Close HP.

Also against SA1 Hugo, there's a trap where if you parry the clap and they cancel into Gigas, you'll eat it IF you don't quickly SA2 or SA3 after parrying. Zenten is a frame too slow to save you here.

The main normals that give Sean an issue are St.MP/Cr. MP and Sweep. St. MP is his best poke which also has the most range of these 3, meaning forward parry block outside of its max range is ideal. Clap will hit at this range so the parry will end up catching that as well.

Recommended Super: All are good.
  • Hadou Burst - Consistent damage/confirms and punish from a distance
  • Shoryu Cannon - Good damage and Anti-air
  • Hyper Tornado - Can punish his St. MP on block, Great damage and confirms from a distance

Important Moves:

Towards + Roundhouse: A very important normal in this match-up since it can hit Hugo standing and crouching and can avoid ticks into Meat Squasher. Its airborne, meaning that Hugo can backbreak this but if this is done from half-screen (where it should be done) he won't be able to punish this with it. Plus it sends him flying full-screen which is where you would want him to be.

Zenten: 3 frame roll that is throw-invincible whenever out on screen. If the SPD/SA1 is telegraphed, Zenten will save you. Utilize it to escape throw set-ups.

Tackle: Tackle is effective in this match-up, especially due to a lot of Hugo's attacks having long recovery. Quite a few of his normals can be punished with EX Tackle even.

Normals that can be Tackled:

Standing MP
Standing MK
Crouching MK
All HPs (Crouch HP and T + HP can be EX Tackled)
All HKs (Can be EX Tackled)

Punishing his SA3:

Red Parry 3rd and 4th hit:
 - Neutral Jump HK x Cr. MK x Dragon Smash (Without Meter)
 - Neutral Jump HP/HK x  Cl. HK x EX Tornado/Super (With Meter)

Red Parry the 2nd hit:
 - LP Zenten then do J. HP x Cl. MP x HP Dragon Smash (and SA1 w/Meter)


MP Dragon Smash is the main DP to use in this match-up. It gives you the perfect timing to cross-up his QS for a nice which-way mix-up. Works off cl.hp/mp and

St. LP can punish his claps on parry since its fast enough to (3 frames). Be aware of the clap-gigas trap.

Cr. HP is a great normal in this match-up. Outside of max range St. MP, it can catch his limbs and go right into super if you have it.

Far HP can counter-poke his claps at long range or at least trade, also beats his St. MP cleanly as well.

Forward Throw in the corner leaves you +9 which means meatiest Cl. HK amongst other Oki options.

As it was said before, Sabat (F+HK) is strong in this match-up due to it being able to hit Hugo from far away whilst being safe as it can hop over his sweeps and low hitting normals.


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