This match-up is possibly one of the very few match-ups where Sean either goes even or has a slight advantage over the other character. Sean can get around L.O.V's in many different ways (one of which is parry which leads to meter gain and Sean's supers are good). Remy's short stun bar also puts more pressure on his decision making post-EX Tornado.
Neutral wise, its best to stand outside his Far MK range and use Far MP to deal with this (like Urien) while using St.MK to deal with Cr. MK/Sweep, etc.
From far range, you have these options:
- EX Tackle/Wheel - EX tackle and Wheel have to be done psychically because they can be parried or met with retaliation by a Flash Kick, Dive Kick or LOV.
- SA1/3 - Have to be done on reaction.
Be on the lookout for lows since a lot of Remys like to test the waters with a few lows until they get the chance to cancel into the F.K. Remy's will often throw them and then quickly dash up the screen to get to you to apply mix-up. So as soon as you see them start dashing, full Sean tackle underneath the L.O.V coming and grab them for approaching. You can do to some extent, the same with Zenten so get creative with this concept.
Recommended Supers: All 3 are good.
Hadou Burst - Consistent damage, Eats LOV's
Shoryu Cannon - Great damage, Corner Pressure/Juggles
Hyper Tornado - Best damage, Goes through LOV's and SA1 at max range, Can punish SA1 at max range
Tackle-able Normals:
Far HP
Cr. HP (launcher)
St. HK
Cr. HK
Cr. MK
T + MK
Punishing SA1:
Crouch block up close, then high blue parry the 3rd set and super (only when using Hyper Tornado)
Punishing SA2:
Crouch block then high blue parry the 2nd set of kicks then roll underneath (not too early or risk getting caught) then walk forward then Cross-up J. HP x Cl. HP x Dragon Smash x Hadou Burst or walk forward then J. HP x Cl. HK x SA2 or 3.
Dealing with High LOVs:
Sean Tackle/Zenten underneath them
Wheel Kick over them
Dealing with Low LOVs:
UOH, Neutral Jump, Towards Roundhouse, Wheel Kick or Taunt over them
Remy's LOVs shift his hitboxes forward quite a bit, as such if you're spaced properly you can hit him out of his LOV's if hes close enough. If not close enough you can Taunt over low LOV's for extra stun to make your touches (should you get some) much more dangerous.
When Remy cancels into an LOV off a medium attack, the window to parry it is later than it looks. Also the window to parry CBK's are earlier than it looks.
Cl.HP x HP Dragon Smash hits Remy whether stand or crouching up close so this serves as a good meter-less confirm. Be aware he can punish you on block with LK Flash kick, Cr. LK x Super/Flash Kick or just raw super.
Cl.HK x EX Tornado works on Remy whether stand or crouching that does half of remy's stun bar and can be confirmed. Cl. HK x EX Dragon Smash also works on him standing which gives Sean a meter-confirm into SA1/2 if you're using it.
EX Tornado goes over low LOVs
Remy's main gameplan is to force you into doing something stupid from zoning and frustration. However, once Sean gets a hold of SA1/3, Remy has to be a lot smarter about his zoning since Sean can potentially get 40% damage on him if hes not careful.
Any CBK that hits above the knee is really unsafe, like upwards to -5 on block AND hit.
Don't bother dashing forward after a throw, you are barely positive on recovery (+4) though if Remy crouches upon standing you can hit him with Cr. MP
When using SA3, the LOV x SA2 trap that Remy does vs. Chun doesn't work as well due to the invincibility of the super given the proper spacing.
When using SA1, you can get a double SA1 also if the spacing is tight enough (its all relative to how close Remy is to you)
Forward throw options:
(take a step back)
- Cr. MK
- Sweep
- Cr. LK
Post LP Dragon options:
(frame kill LP Tackle dash)
- Kara Far HP UOH
- Cr. MK
- St. MK
- Sweep
MP Dragon - +38
HP Dragon - +34
EX Dragon - +32 (2 hit) +30 (1 hit)
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