Sean mirrors are probably by far the funnest part of 3s in my opinion. There can be so much madness and gimmicks going on lmao but in all seriousness, depending on the 2 people playing Sean, this could be a very difficult match-up. The keyword of this match-up is "Reaction", since if you can't react to the gimmicks quick enough and whatnot then its going to be real hard to win a mirror against someone who's really good with him.
As you already should know, you can easily punish Sean's specials (if you don't get caught up in the scheme of things) which means that it will be mostly about who's Sean has a better understanding of his normals (or rather the game in general).
Sean's main weaknesses is over-reliance on meter and lack of reliable reversal, so keeping him from getting it and keeping him out will be key to winning a mirror.
Recommended Supers: All 3 can be used.
Hadou Burst for constant confirms, decent damage, etc
Shoryu Cannon for great damage, corner pressure/juggles
Hyper Tornado for great damage, punish unsafe normals, etc etc.
Tackle-able Normals:
All HPs
Far HK
Cr. HK (Can be EX Tackled)
St. MK
Punishing his DPs:
If you block a EX Dragon Smash, its a free jump-in. Very damaging since EX Dragon leaves Sean crouching when he lands. Same goes for SA2 on block, you get a free jump in as he's coming down.
As you already should know, you can easily punish Sean's specials (if you don't get caught up in the scheme of things) which means that it will be mostly about who's Sean has a better understanding of his normals (or rather the game in general).
Sean's main weaknesses is over-reliance on meter and lack of reliable reversal, so keeping him from getting it and keeping him out will be key to winning a mirror.
Gimmicks/Tricks and how to deal with them
The "Fake Tackle" gimmick is punish-able but again this is something you have to react to because if he hits you with a heavy attack then fake LP tackles, its -4 on hit. The only things Sean has to defend against this is:- Grab
- Super
The "proper" way to deal with this would be to buffer low parry grab since if he would EX Dragon afterwards it would parry it and if Sean grabs, you get a tech. But then again, if you aren't quick enough to react yet again, you could eat a back dash super or worse.
Some Sean's will do even a Fake Tackle from a long distance away and when they get close to you do an EX Dragon Smash if they thought you would press a button.
The basketball can be parried both HIGH and LOW, which means that after Sean knocks you down (especially after SA2), you can usually parry a low/high and the ball at the same time. However, the attack can be delayed before the ball hits or after meaning you have to be able to react.
Wheel Kicks can be Cl. HP'ed or Jabbed, and can be punished on block with Supers (depending on how far the Wheels hit from).
Cl. HP x T+HP is also another gimmick that you have to be aware of since if a Sean hasn't done it all match it's more than likely to hit if you aren't careful. SA3 easily punishes headbutt on block too.
Target Combo is safe on block, and not only that, it leaves Sean at an advantage despite being -2 on block. Be very careful sticking out a low afterwards since it will get parried or maybe even Tackled.
Punish any and every Non-EX Tornado but be careful if the Tornado is spaced out of range of a grab or you'll end up eating a EX Dragon Smash or worse.
Remember the options you have coming out of an EX Tornado (whether you hit them with it or you by them):
Punish any and every Non-EX Tornado but be careful if the Tornado is spaced out of range of a grab or you'll end up eating a EX Dragon Smash or worse.
Remember the options you have coming out of an EX Tornado (whether you hit them with it or you by them):
- Zenten - Can be effective to evade throws after EX Tornado. In the mirror match, take heed that Zenten goes underneath EX Dragon Smash so you need to be very careful when choosing from your options.
- EX Dragon Smash - Can stuff out alot of Reversal attacks due to its invincibility but is able to be grabbed and like I said won't hit the other person if they Zenten.
- Grab
- Block/Parry/OS Tech
- Jump or Dash Backwards
- SA2
Hadou Burst for constant confirms, decent damage, etc
Shoryu Cannon for great damage, corner pressure/juggles
Hyper Tornado for great damage, punish unsafe normals, etc etc.
Tackle-able Normals:
All HPs
Far HK
Cr. HK (Can be EX Tackled)
St. MK
Punishing his DPs:
- MP and HP Dragon Smash - Blue Parry, *Wait a second if its HP* then Jump Cross-up MK x Cl. MP x Dragon Smash
- EX Dragon Smash - Down Blue Parry (or block), then J. MK x Cl. MP x Dragon Smash
If you block a EX Dragon Smash, its a free jump-in. Very damaging since EX Dragon leaves Sean crouching when he lands. Same goes for SA2 on block, you get a free jump in as he's coming down.
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