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Vs. Q

This match-up is 6-4 standard but im inclined to believe its 4.5-5.5 for a few reasons:

  • Q's extra block stun makes punishing many of Sean's unsafe moves impossible when using SA1, even LK Tornado which is normally -7 but against Q its -6. He also cannot punish EX Tornado on block with anything due to this (it is an easy red parry though meaning if the Q player cant red parry consistently then this match-up becomes very sean-favored).
  • Q's lack of mobility and the fact that he isn't safe to taunt full-screen against Sean with meter.
  • Cl. HK x SA2 and corner juggles galore due to his big hit-box.
  • Sean can Zenten underneath everything Q does.
Normals that can be Tackled:

Standing HK (Can be EX Tackled)
Standing HP (Can be EX Tackled)
Back + HP
Crouching HP
Crouching HK (Can be EX Tackled)
Standing MP
Back + MP
Standing MK

Important Normals:

Far Fierce - From max distance he cannot punish this even on block which means one of Sean's best buttons is completely safe unless parried.

Towards Fierce - Another normal he cannot punish on block.

Towards Roundhouse - Safe on block against SA1 Q and is throw-invincible which can let Sean escape command grabs. Can sometimes hit him crouching which on block becomes really safe.


From experience, I can tell you that you're going to be using Far MP more than anything in neutral since it'll beat things like Q St. MK or random dash punches. 

That and St. MK as it shuts down what little low game he has. Anti-airing is just standard; Far HK, Cr. HP, occasionally DP, you know the deal.
I tend to shoot more in the direction of stunning him because him getting taunts is almost inevitable. EX Tackle usually will punish him if he decides to taunt twice in most situations (not after super). 

Post EX Tornado situation is heavily skewed in Sean's favor since Q isn't that scary without his super although you have to be aware of the anti-throw glitch so don't get too comfortable settling for throw. 

Wheel Kick is a slight thorn for Q since he has no definite answer for AA'ing it except for parry which means be smart about them.

Max Range St. LP is an issue for Q since he can't punish it thoroughly on parry with anything substantial (if using SA1) as he's out of range for and SA1 is too slow to punish it. Its also more plus on block (+6 standing block/+7 crouching block) which allows for more potent pressure on him.

Cl.HP x HP Dragon Smash works standing or crouching mid-screen only. He can only punish with raw sa2 if he blocks Cl. HP standing.

Cl. HK x EX Tornado works stand or crouch.

Sean has a unique confirm in this match-up: Cr. LK x St. LP. It hits him standing or crouching and can go into SA1 or 3.

Due to Q not being able to duck Sean's St. LP, it becomes +6 to +7 if he blocks it. This allows Sean to block-string normals (Cl. HK/HP/Cr. MP/etc.) that become true frame trap strings.

From about max range Cl. MP, delayed Target HK can link into SA3 if you catch him crouching with Cl. MP.

As far as oki vs Q, MP Dragon gives you safe jump J. HK while HP gives you dash meaty UOH.


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