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Super Arts

Hadou Burst - Sean has a projectile super like Ryu but its no where near as powerful. Starts up in 2 frames and does 39 DMG. It is the fastest traveling projectile in the game which is good in case you need to whiff punish from far away. Its his standard super, and can be used against every character in the game.

The main issues with this super is that it can be negated with a single parry, it can't chip like Akuma/Ryu SA1, and the recovery is less than stellar.

Hadou Burst is a very versatile super, almost as versatile as Ken's Shippu though its not as effective in punishing unsafe shit nor does as much raw damage (unless it hits someone crouching) but it does scale better in combos than it does.

Here are the good things about Hadou Burst:
  • It can be Anti-air'd (or even used as a AA) into using Cl. Strong since that button doesn't completely reset the Juggle counter.
  • It can punish unsafe moves but they can't be too far away or else it won't work.
  • Its possible to do over 50% damage and stun when combo'd into.
  • It can consume 1-hit projectiles and hit for the full damage, meaning this is effective against zoners.
  • If you land a AA LK Tornado or Deep Dragon Smash, Hadou Burst can close the situation out (when near corner).
  • Gains a 9 point damage increase on crouching opponents.
  • The only shoto projectile (other than Denjin) that can go through Aegis Reflector when up close.
Strongest combos with Hadou Burst:
  • J. Fierce x Cl. Roundhouse x HP Dragon Smash x Hadou Burst
By far the strongest combo with SA1. It does a point more in damage (72 / 45%) than Ken's strongest jump-in combo with SA3 and does over 50% stun. The only problem is that its an Elena only combo but you can land this in quite a few punish situations. Also, you can switch J. Fierce for Neutral Jump Roundhouse to land it outside of those and it still does the same damage.
  • J. Fierce x Cl. Strong x HP Dragon Smash x Hadou Burst
His second strongest combo but its a bit harder to land and pin-point due to how early you have to land the jump-in to get Cl. Strong x HP Dragon Smash to connect. Does 50% in damage and stun on Akuma.
  • J. Fierce x Cl. Roundhouse x Hadou Burst
His third strongest combo and the easiest of the 3 to land. Does near 50% damage and stun on Akuma/Remy.
  • Close Fierce/Roundhouse x Dragon Smash x Hadou Burst

Cr. LK x 2
Cr. LK x Cr. LP x Cr. LK
Cr. MP (and on Meaty Standing or Crouching)
Cr. MK
Cl. HK (and on Meaty Standing or Crouching) [Doesn't work on Hugo, Alex, Chun, Twins, Shotos, Remy and Q Standing]
Target Combo (Character/Spacing/Crouching dependent) [Ibuki only]
Cl. MP (on Meaty Standing or Crouching)
Cl. HP (on Meaty Crouching)

Shoryu Cannon - Sean's dragon punch super art. Starts up in 1 frame and does 67 damage when you mash the punch buttons for 14 hits. This super does the same amount of damage as Chun's SA2. It is among one of the most invincible supers in the game with 10 frames on start-up which will beat out many things except for a few supers. This is the only super which can't be hit-confirmed as much unlike the other 2 which means super canceling is something that you need to be efficient at.

The biggest issue with this super is the very small amount of range that comes attached with the long recovery if whiffed.

Here's the good:
  • It is his true Anti-Air. Cl. HK x Shoryu-Cannon is something that the opponent should be scared of if they get their jump-ins parried. This super is what grounds characters like Ibuki, Twins or 12.
  • Its not hard to do more than 50% damage with this (especially in the corner since you get a chance to reset with Cl.HK or Kara Dragon Smash).
  • Can punish certain special moves in the game and some near-safe overheads like Dudley's F + HK.
  • Can go through projectiles on start-up meaning that Denjin won't be set-up near you on wake-up because of this.
  • Gives you a free mix-up after landing it like Shippu. After this super is one of the few times you get to taunt safely so take advantage. 
  • It does 0 stun. This may be a bad thing but the good thing is that it won't reset the stun modifier you get from the basketballs.
  • Corner Juggles once you acquire both stocks. It's easier vs. certain characters, and its alot harder vs. others. Excellent way to end a match if its the 2nd or 3rd round.
  • The only super that can completely bail you out of Oro SA2 unblockable loops.

The only combos you need:
  • Cl. HK x SA2
This should be the main combo to land period due to how damaging it is. Anywhere from 35% to 51%.
  • Cr. MK x Dragon Smash x SA2
Does near the same damage as above. Mainly used to pad damage in combos.
  • J. HP x Cl. HK x SA2
The strongest possible combo with this super; Can do anywhere from 40% to 58% in damage.
  • Cr. LK x Cr. LK x SA2
Quick confirm into SA2 when up close.

Hit-Confirms & Links

Cr. LK x 2
Close MP (On Crouching Opponents and on Meaty) [Doesn't work on Chun, Q, Oro and Necro]
Standing LK
UOH (On Meaty)
Standing MK (On Meaty Crouching)
HK Ryuubi Kyaku (On Meaty vs. Twins Standing)
Cl. HK (20 F's from start up)
Cl. HP (18 F's from start up)

Post-SA2 Set-ups/Resets

You can reset with a variety of things in the corner:

  • Close HP/HK
  • Far/Crouching MP
  • Far HP
  • Standing/Crouching MK
  • Standing LP
  • Far HK       
  • Crouching HP                              

 When it comes to KND's in the corner, you can choose between:

  • Sweep (Chun, Alex, Remy and Ibuki)
  • LP Dragon Smash (Everyone except Dudley, Alex, Ibuki, Oro, Twins and Remy)
  • EX Dragon Smash (Necro and Urien only)

Hyper Tornado - Starts up in 2 frames and does the most damage of any of his supers. This super is Sean's version of Ken's Shippu as it is his very own whiff punisher but far more powerful. A very invincible super, even more invincible than Shoryu Cannon at 12 frames. This super is pretty much a balanced Chun SA2 in a sense.

The biggest issue with this super is the long meter length and the lack of EX's that come with it. You only get one so its usage is dependent on the situation.

Here are the good things about it:
  • It is his true punisher. It may take awhile to build the meter depending on how the match is played but once he gets it stocked, the opponent can't afford to make many mistakes or risk 32% to 47% taken off. Ken's Shippu can punish about 70% of the moves in the game and with this super you'll be able to punish about the same amount.
  • Easily able to do over 50% damage with this super, can even manage 50% stun with it.
  • Can travel through projectiles, which means Denjin won't be set-up against you at full screen because of it.
  • Great range on it, covers the same amount of distance of a Fierce Sean Tackle.
Notable combos with H.T:
  • J. HP x Cl. HK/HP x Hyper Tornado
His strongest possible combo and the main one you should try to land when playing. Does anywhere from 43% to 61% in damage and near 50% stun. 
  • Cl. HK x Hyper Tornado
The strongest ground confirm into H.T and is ideal to go for this one the most. Does anywhere from 40% to 56% damage.
  • Cr. MP/MK x Hyper Tornado
Standard ground confirm that does 36% to 52% in damage.


Cr. LK x 2
Cr. LK x Cr. LP x Cr. LK
Cr. MP
Cr. MK
Cl. HK
Target Combo (Character/Spacing/Crouching dependent)
Cl.MP (on Meaty Standing or Crouching)
Cl. HP (on Meaty Crouching)

All in all, there is no pre-determined best super for Sean since all 3 are good. Generally 2 of 3 of them can be utilized in some match-ups, while in some all 3 can be used. 


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