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Standing Normals

From what i've been seeing, Sean's normals are generally classified as being unsafe/terrible when in reality, they're actually good (aside from the ones that have very limited uses) . Half of his shoto normals don't differ much at all from the other shotos except for Cl. HK/HP/MP while the others start-up/recover just a frame slower and/or do less damage. Here is the breakdown on his normals:

Standing Jab - Starts up in 3 frames and is +5 on hit or block; 3 DMG/3 Stun; The best jab of the shotos. Sean doesn't have the "Jab Elbow" that the other shotos have so I guess Capcom made his the best of the shotos to compensate. Since it comes out quickly, there is nothing wrong with sticking this out on the screen from time to time to deter dash-ins, tick into throws and if you're REALLY savvy, then you can buffer super in the Jab too. In my opinion, Jab might be one of the best buttons he has since its so positive on hit/block which allows for very good tick throws (even better than his Cl. MP) and it also allows Sean to have access to a certain kind of block-string that requires a red parry to break (being Jab x Cl.MP), which by the way the other shotos don't have access to. Granted you can duck the Jab,  but there are those who cant duck it and you cant duck every single one with those who can. It feels as if you can cancel the recovery of Jab into his other close normals (MP/HP/HK) on block like Alex can as well which is useful in coming up with other block-strings.

This button is one of his main combo starters, specifically off high jump-ins where nothing else will combo and in conjunction with Cr. LK x Dragon Smash confirms. On some characters, you can even get 2 jabs then go into DP (Gouki, Necro, Dudley, and Alex).

Uniquely, Sean can do hit-confirms that the other shotos can't like Cr. LK - St. LP - Cr. LK or St. LP - Cr. LK - Cr. LK on characters that Cr. LK - Cr. LP - Cr. LK doesn't work on.

Close Strong - Starts up in 4 frames and is 0 on block ,+1 on hit/+2 crouching;16 DMG/9 Stun. This starts-up just as fast as Ken's but has the most recovery (at 13) of all the Shotos. For the extra amount of recovery on this normal though, it has the most cancel frames of all the Shoto Cl. MPs and also does the most stun of the Shotos at 9 points. If it wasn't for Ken's TC, Sean's Cl. MP would be the best of the shotos. This normal is the best normal he has besides standing jab for jump-ins especially since you can walk forward as you do it which allows you to combo HP Dragon Smash easier. This button is a Juggle button for Sean, meaning that its easy for Sean to super someone off of a reset from this normal and have it connect as a combo unlike the other shotos. This normal is paramount in the game plan for Shoryu Cannon especially since if you catch them crouching with it, it becomes a hit-confirm. It can also work with Hadou Burst as well too when it comes to comboing off a reset.This button links into HK for his main Target Combo. Its possible to delay his Target Combo reeeaaallly late and it'll still connect (more on this later). This button is generally one you can use on wake-up to tick throw and such. It can also be used as a Meaty as well (which can then link into super). Some people will try to go for the Red Parry to punish his T.C. so you can do a few things:

1) Don't hit with the 2nd hit of it but do Cr.LK x 2 into Hadou Burst/Hyper Tornado or Walk Forward and do Close Fierce/Roundhouse into combo of choice.

2) Walk forward and throw (preferably Kara throw).

3) Cl. HK.

4) Buffer Parry/Block

Above all else, this move is frame variant, meaning it gets safer the later you hit it in its animation. Refer to the table below:

Difference in hit and block advantage per frame
Hit frameOn blockStanding hitCrouching hit
1st to 3rd0+1+2

Target Combo (Cl. MP into HK) - Does one point less damage than Close Roundhouse (24), 10 stun and is completely safe on hit or block. Dependent on character and spacing, this can lead into super vs crouchers. Makoto is the only one who T.C. x Hyper Tornado works on standing while Ibuki is the only other one who it works on while crouching (consistently). In Ibuki's case, it works only if you delay the hits between MP and HK, enough to where the HK won't whiff but it'll hit deep. Instead of the usual T.C. advantage on crouchers (+2), it increases in this instance to a nice +6. Its possible on 7 other characters besides Ibuki as well but its a matter of spacing and distance. After a Target Combo ALWAYS buffer low parry because more often the opponent will throw out a low not knowing Sean can punish you for doing so.

Far Strong - Starts up in 5 frames and is 0 on block, +1 on hit/+2 crouching; 14 DMG/11 Stun. This starts up in between Ryu/Akuma (4 frames) and Ken's (6 frames) but has the most recovery of all of them at 13. Unlike Ryu/Akuma this is not cancel-able and Unlike Ken it can't link into any of his supers. Has some usage as an Anti-air though and can stuff some attacks out due to having 4 active frames which is good for Sean's counter-poke game.

Close Fierce - Starts up in 5 frames and is -4 on block, -2 on hit/0 crouching; 21 DMG/13 Stun.  Starts up in between Ryu/Akuma (4 frames) and Ken's (6 frames) and recovers just as fast as Ryu/Akuma's. Ties with Akuma for the most cancel frames on this normal.

What you may or may not know about this normal is that his, like Akuma's, has a far range recognition. Which means him and Akuma can hit with this normal further out than Ryu/Ken can.

This button like all his fierce punches (save Towards + Fierce) do the same amount of damage and stun. Close Fierce can link into his Towards + Fierce for his second T.C. though, its not a "combo" but rather a "link". This is useful on the opponent's wake-up if they're constantly down-backing. It can function as a good AA against moves like Sean's wheel kicks, Dive kicks, etc. though Crouching Fierce is better when dealing with these in general. When putting this in combos and choosing between this or Close Roundhouse, the trade off is you give up 3-4 points of damage but gain 2-3 points of stun. All-around effective Shoto button which should be utilized.

This move is also Frame Variant as well. 

Difference in hit and block advantage per frame
Hit frameOn blockStanding hitCrouching hit

Towards + Fierce - Starts up in 21 frames and recovers in 24. Its -6 on block, -4 on hit/-2 crouching; 22 DMG/12 Stun. This move has a limited amount of usages by itself. Its only good when linked from Close Fierce on a crouch-block/mix-up situation. A basketball then Towards + Fierce can work from time to time. This normal's main usage is in his Kara throw. It gives exactly 1 more dot of distance than Far Fierce does.

Far Fierce - Starts up in 9 frames and recovers in 23. Its -7 on block, -5 on hit/-3 crouching; 21 DMG/13 Stun. Sean's main poke when maintaining zone, as such its another good AA in his arsenal.
Though its unsafe on hit, counter-poking with this normal is essential. Also, some characters cannot punish Far Fierce at maximum range (some even WITH meter). It'll beat out normals like Hugo St.MP or can trade with Chun St.HP in his favor. This normal can stuff out moves like Tatsumakis and Dive-Kicks which means it can be used to pressure on wake-up from a distance in case they wake-up with an attack or to smack anything that comes within range. This button can also be used to Kara throw which also gives him a good amount of range, about 7 dots shy of Ryu's Kara throw. In my opinion, I find it easier to Kara off this one than Towards + Fierce, especially since you can Kara into his back + throw (which i'll talk more about later). Kara-UOH is also possible from this normal too, about the max dist. from where Far Fierce would hit.

"Frame Variant"; This is the reason why its actually an decent meaty from max range because it can get safe enough where punishing it won't be possible. On the shorter characters when they crouch (like Chun, Ibuki, Elena, Oro, etc.), this move gets safer on hit and block by quite a bit.

Difference in hit and block advantage per frame
Hit frameOn blockStanding hitCrouching hit

Standing Short - Starts up in 4 frames and recovers in 8. +2 on block/hit/crouching; 5 DMG/3 Stun. The same normal as all the other Shotos. What's noteworthy about this normal is that Sean can link this into Shoryu Cannon though all Shotos can link their 1-frame supers off this normal. The thing is, is that the supers that are generally by the other Shotos used aren't 1-frame (Shippu, Denjin, etc.) unlike Sean where SA2 is an important super for him as is the other 2. This can also be used as a tick into a kara throw as well but be careful as its high/low parryable and can get you punished if they call you out on it.

Standing Forward - Starts up in 6 frames and recovers in 15. -2 on block, -1 on hit/0 crouching; 16 DMG/5 Stun. This normal is essentially Ken's Standing Forward but instead of it going upwards, it goes downwards. It is generally a guaranteed punisher after parrying, but you won't get shit else afterwards. It can lead to a Kara-throw after hitting with St. MK on block but you'll have to take a step forward to do so.
This normal has some good priority to it, and will beat out many character's low kicks. As an AA, it can reach out far and hit the opponent after a parry. Also it can also defend against cross-up attacks if you move underneath the jump-in, and the shit is even Anti-Demon Flip cross-up (thanks Nuki). This normal is frame variant too.

Difference in hit and block advantage per frame
Hit frameOn blockStanding hitCrouching hit
1 to 2-2-10

As a Meaty, if you catch the opponent crouching you can also link this normal into Shoryu Cannon as well. 

Far Roundhouse - Starts up in 7 frames and recovers in 25.  -9 on block, -7 on hit/-5 crouching; 21 DMG/11 Stun. Its another one of Sean's AA's but its effectiveness is minimal. Its only good for catching angled jump-ins like Dive kicks or opponents jumping away from you. It does have great priority to it, being able to stuff out shit like Urien's J.HK for as long as it's out. Though it is very unsafe, it can be made safe against most characters since the push-back on block is enormous. Another use this normal has is Kara UOHs after some of his block strings since it does move him forward minimally.

Close Roundhouse - Starts up in 5 frames and recovers in 14. +2 on block, +4 on hit/+6 crouching; 25 DMG/11 Stun. Its a frame slower than Ryu/Akuma's Close Forward but Sean's is superior still. I could write a novel on how good this fucking button is. This is Sean's best normal by far due to how much meter it builds on hit, how much damage it does and how much time you have to confirm supers off it. This normal has a very far range recognition (almost the same as Chun's Cl.HK) for a close normal. Its one of his safest and  THE most damaging button bar none, plus it makes up for some of damage he can't do without meter. If Sean catches the opponent crouching with this button, it will actually out-damage his Tackle by a few points which means that getting hit with this button is a punishment in itself. This button should be his primary go-to-AA after a parry. Cl.HK x SA2 is something you do not want to get hit by constantly whether ground or air. This normal is definitely his best meaty too. If hit just right on wake-up, the advantage of this can reach up to +9 which allows you to link Crouching Short, Standing Forward, Crouching Forward and situation-ally a Crouching Strong. SGGK'ing with this normal could also work to great success. A Cl. HK on block up close puts Sean at exactly enough range for a UOH x SA1/3 so keep this in mind.

Difference in hit and block advantage per frame
Hit FrameOn blockStanding hitCrouching hit
1st to 2nd+2+4+6

4 of these on hit give him a bar of Hadou Burst, on block 1 EX.

Towards + Roundhouse - Starts up in 15 frames and recovers in 23. -5 on block and results in a Down/Reset animation. This has the most range of any of his normals which means it should be used in footsies occasionally. Its off the ground in 6 frames, which means this move can avoid command grabs such as Karakusa with a prediction . This normal is great against tall characters like Q, Hugo, Alex, and Urien.

This normal is also Frame Variant.
Difference in hit and block advantage per frame
Hit frameOn blockStanding hitCrouching hit
1 to 3-Five+12+12

Something to note: Sean's Normals have more push-back on block than the other shotos, meaning that they create more space. Usually they create just enough space for a UOH, remember that.


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