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Specials and Misc.

Sean's specials are difficult to utilize properly. Especially when compared to the other shotos, his are definitely at the bottom of the barrel when it comes to effectiveness but they can be useful when either applying pressure or maintaining defense.

Dragon Smash - Starts up in 5/7/9 frames and all you need to know is that the recovery is really bad; 23 DMG/11 Stun. What i've found out about this DP is that its basically a mix between Ryu and Ken's. If it hits you no matter where in its start-up, it will down you even if it trades like Ryu's and if it hits you really late in its animation then he can  follow up like Ken with either:

  • St. LP ( Leads to SA2)
  • Cl. MP (Could go into Target Combo or SA1 or 2)
  • Cl. HP/HK (Leads to SA2)
  • Another LP Dragon Smash (Leads to SA1 or 2)

His DP's start up the slowest of the shotos and have very little vertical hit-boxes, which means it will barely intercept ground attacks and it has a chance of whiffing in combos if too far away. You can only combo LP/MP Dragon Smash off Cr. LK.  All of his D.S' do the same damage which is the same as Akuma's LP SRK. It  has very little invincibility, only above the shoulder as opposed to the other DPs. Something to note: LP Dragon Smash has the most cancel frames of all the shoto DP's.

The differences between the variations of Dragon Smash are:

  • LP is the fastest; start-up and recovery wise and gives you the most oki time and puts you a moderate distance away.
  • MP is moderate startup and recovery but gives you 6 frames less oki time and tends to whiff more in combos than LP or HP. Puts you at the same distance LP does afterwards and is the fastest one that can be hit-confirmed off Cr. MK vs standing opponents.
  • HP is the slowest with the 2nd most recovery and gives you even less time for oki but is very consistent in combos and it leaves you closer to the opponent unlike LP and MP. Can only be hit-confirmed off Cr. MK on crouchers but when this happens you have a lot of time to confirm the super as a result which is real good.
  • EX is a frame faster than HP but has the most recovery and least amount of time for oki. Very consistent in combos and is easily confirmable whether stand or crouch off his confirm normals. It leaves you extremely close after hitting which is also a plus.

The only times you should ever put a Dragon Smash on the screen is:

A) Its in a combo and its to add more damage
B) Against Demon-flips and Dive-Kick-like moves (like Remy CBK, etc.) since it'll stuff those out or you can hit the D.S. deep and hit them with SA1 before they come down.
C) As an Anti-air since it can lead into super.
D) On wake-up; only when HJC'ed to save meter.*

What is unique to Sean's DP only is that after hitting the opponent with it, he can dash over half of the cast as they're tech rolling from the KND midscreen. This means the opponent has to guess which side he'll end up while also guessing between Cl.HK/Cr. LK x2/Throw on wake-up. (Dudley, Ibuki, Necro, Hugo, Alex, 12, Elena, Twins, Oro, and Urien)

This usually only occurs after a LP Dragon Smash from very close range but can be done after Cl.MP x LP DS (depends on character).

EX: Starts up in 8 frames and of course the recovery is less than stellar; 31 DMG/16 Stun. It hits twice, and does a point less damage than Ken's HP SRK. To compensate for the long ass start-up on this move, it has 8 frames of invincibility; the most of the shoto DPs and it ties with Chun's EX SBK. This is probably the most important EX that he has to be honest.  This version has the most forward range of them all but its still not enough sometimes. In my opinion, its not recommended to cancel into this from his normals since more often than not, it'll only hit for one of the 2 hits which wastes valuable meter that he needs.

The biggest issue of Dragon Smash in general is the fact that he can be thrown out of it, even the EX version.

As for when you should use it

A) Against Demon-Flips and Dive-Kick-like moves (like Remy CBK, etc.) since it'll stuff them out or trade and send them flying which they'll eat a SA1 before hitting the ground. The damage on that combo is scaled due to using EX first than super but its more reliable.
B) On wake-up; HJC it to be truly effective since it loses to Meaty grabs.*
C) If any one of his cancel-able normals like Cl.MP or Cl.HP get parried, cancel into it to punish the opponent if they pressed a button or tried to grab (Against Makoto, Ibuki and Oro's command grabs, this WILL lose so be warned).
D) After a EX Tornado (elaborate more on this later)
E) After a Parry since it has a shit ton of invincibility and will beat many things on parry or trade, to which either way can be cancelled into sa1 or sa2 (if you have it stocked) for some decent damage.

*High Jump Canceling gives a few frames of throw invincibility to evade the opponents throw attempt. It works by adding a up diagonal like ↗ to the end of the special inputs. So for Dragon Smash it would be: →↓↘↗ + P.

Zenten - Starts up in 2 frames and its recovery is dependent on the strength of button used. The roll's main property is its throw invincibility. For however long he's rolling, he cannot be grabbed. Even by super art grabs. This means that against characters who are known for command grabbing, this move is essential to survival. Even on wake-up, it can be effective to escape throw set-ups especially if HJC'ed.*  It can go underneath high hitting moves, projectiles and even cross-up some characters in the corner. You can do something like Cr.LP x LP Zenten x Grab if the opponent is constantly throwing out high attacks but this, is merely another gimmick in the arsenal since it is very unsafe. In fact, Canceling into this off Light attacks is -19, Medium -16 or -15, and Heavy -13 to -11 on block/hit.

Another thing that I find with Zenten is that it can avoid many things when very close. For example, it can avoid both Q SA1 and 2 completely. It could be used to go underneath advancing supers (provided you parry before doing so) to trap the opponent in the corner.

*H.J.C Zenten looks like ↓↙← ↖.

Disadvantage frame table when canceling each normal into Zenten
Light AttackMedium attacksHeavy Attacks
Regardless of block / hitOn BlockStanding HitCrouching HitOn BlockStanding HitCrouching Hit
LP Zenten-19-16-15-14-13-11-9
MP Zenten-30-26-twenty five-twenty four-twenty three-twenty one-19
HP Zenten-43-40-39-38-37-35-33

Tornado - Starts up in 11/14/16 frames and the recovery is god awful.  LK does 16 DMG/8 Stun, MK does 24 DMG/12 Stun and HK does 26 DMG/15 Stun. Probably by far his worst special due to how unsafe the shit is.
LK is -7 on block/-5 on hit, and MK/HK are -6 on block and -4 on hit. Funny thing is, its just as unsafe as Ken's Tatsumakis. The LK version can combo off any medium and heavy button while only the MK can combo the heavies. Combo-ing into the HK version only works on crouching opponents but the shit is still very unsafe! The move builds a great chunk of meter on hit but of course at the price of Sean's safety. The only instances you should use this move are when:

A) It'll kill since some of Sean's strongest combos revolve around Tornado.
B) It'll stun. They do considerably good stun.
C) A cancel-able AA gets parried. Cancel into this to throw off timing and send them flying toward the corner (only the LK version). Can follow up with SA1 or 2 if stocked.
D) For chip-outs since MK/HK Tornado hit multiple times on block.

EX: Starts up in 9 frames like Far Fierce and the recovery is a bit better; 28 DMG/19 Stun. -1 on hit and -3 on block. This should be the ONLY version of Tornado that should ever be used. Does good damage and great stun. In fact, the EX version does the most stun of any shoto tatsumaki. The move is the epitome of high risk/high reward. Its high risk because it leaves you close to the opponent afterwards at an slight disadvantage which means you'll have to option select your way to safety but its also high reward because its basically a "standing reset" which means you have a chance to do even more damage and stun afterwards depending on what the opponent does. This special is the reason Sean has the potential to win within 2 mistakes if he has enough meter. In itself, it is an option select due to him having more options coming out than the opponent does. EX Tornado has a similar application to that of Yang's EX slashes in how it can catch extended limbs/whiff punish in neutral. It doesn't do EX slash damage or stun but its damn close, and against someone like Gouki, something like that can be quite dangerous.

This is what you can do when exiting a EX Tornado:
  • Block
  • Throw/Throw tech (regular or Kara)
  • Super (SA2 only)
  • Parry/OS/SGGK
  • EX Dragon Smash
  • Zenten
  • Dash backwards
  • Jump forward/backwards

Even though its -1 on hit you're generally safe from a lot of shit except one super which I'll elaborate on later. 

Some more information:

Tornado can be made safer against crouching opponents IF you don't hit with the first hit of it (even EX). In this instance, instead of it being -5 and -4, it becomes -3 and -2. EX Tornado increases to +1 when this happens.

Ryuubi Kyaku - Starts up in 29 frames and has 16 frames of recovery (lord); 21 DMG /19 Stun. Its off the ground in 15 frames. Wheel Kicks can be quite tough to pin-point in game. This special's frame advantage is Frame Variant, meaning that: the further away you are when you hit it or the later you hit it on Meaty is how much safer it gets.* This move is generally seen as easy to parry and one people turtle to bait out and punish. Oh did I forget to mention that this one can leave him crouching if you catch him at the right part in his recovery?

Wheel Kicks can stuff out shit in the air like Shoto Tatsumakis, even EX versions. They also reach high in the air too. This move is useful with keeping "air-control" characters, out of the air. Also, Wheel Kicks do great stun and build the most meter of anything he has on hit or block. Canceling into them from his normals can have it's benefits if you catch the opponent jumping backwards and not buffering parry. When Sean is on his side of the screen, LK or MK Wheel kicks can be of benefit in case the opponent tries to step in his zone while not watching out for the Wheel.

EX: Starts up the same as the normal ones but has 2 more frames of recovery (smh); 32 DMG/18 Stun. Off the ground in 11 frames and hits for 2-3 times depending on distance and character height. Its frame advantage is more consistent at a "safe" -1 on hit and block but even it can change like the normal ones. EX does less damage but its faster off the ground, so its decent against lows and some delayed wake-up attacks.

There's a way on those Sean can cross-up midscreen after DP to control which side EX Wheel hits on after dashing forward.


Frame Adv. of Wheel Kicks go as such:

  • At its most negative, Wheels are -5 on hit or block. This is done up close to Hugo, Q, Urien, etc. 
  • Wheels can be 0 on hit or block. This is done from the maximum distance of the button pressed or as Meaty on wake-up. Everyone except the Twins.
  • Wheels can increase to +2 on hit and 0 on block. This is done up close with Wheels in the corner, LK Wheel mid-screen or HK Wheel on Meaty. EX wheel becomes +1 on hit/0 on block up close and +2 on hit from a far. Twins only.

Sean Tackle - Starts up in 18/22/26 and the recovery is shit; 30 DMG/16 Stun. This is -14 on block, meaning that this is like whiffing a sweep right in the opponent's face. This is the only special you have to block or parry low. He's unsafe when he starts this move up but its by far his best special due to the offensive and defensive applications of it. The tackle itself has great priority, since it can grab some characters out of their supers and catch lows that don't come out quick enough. 

EX: Starts up in 28 frames and the recovery and block advantage is the same (shit); 40 DMG/25 Stun. This does the most damage of any of his specials and the most stun (the most of any special the shotos can do). It covers the full screen quickly which makes this an essential part in Sean's mobility. 

Disadvantage frame table when cancelling a normal into Sean Tackle
Small AttackMedium AttackHeavy Attack
Regardless of Block/ hitOn BlockStanding HitCrouching HitOn BlockStanding HitCrouching Hit
LP tackle-14-11-Ten-9-8-6-Four
MP tackle-18-15-14-13-12-Ten-8
HP tackle-twenty two-19-18-17-16-14-12
EX Tackle-twenty four-twenty three-twenty two-twenty one-20-18-16

Offensively:  This move will be one mainly used to cover distance in this sense. Canceling any one of his normals into this can be effective, especially if you Anti-air them first. On the ground, doing shit like Cl.HP/HK x LP Empty Tackle could work sparingly but be careful cause its -8 on block and its even worse from lighter strength normals. I find a LP Tackle up close to be effective from time to time since it can actually hit if they don't expect you to actually tackle or they decide to dash backwards.

Defensively:  Tackle is another punisher from long range after a parry when Cl. HP/Cr. MK x Dragon Smash can't reach. Its important in the fact that it knocks down and Sean needs knockdowns above every thing else. Tackle can be used to escape set-ups and zoning and cover a long distance (especially EX). Like with Zenten, if his cancel-able AA gets parried, cancel into Tackle to make it safe and cross underneath.

Other Applications: Tackle Dash can cross-up mid-screen after a post-DP KND (mainly EX). Its easier to time at the expense of meter but it makes the mix-up more reliable and ambiguous. In the corner, the normal variation can cross-up rather easily while still being just as vague as to which side he'll end up on, leaving them only to guess correctly. 

Taunt: Basically my favorite taunt in the game. Sean throws a basketball that hones in on the opponents last position and it does 1 point of DMG.  While it doesn't look like much, the BB is not to be underestimated because it can stuff out opponent's wake-ups and set up traps in the corner when they have no health which they have to parry to get out of.

The Basketball, like Dudley's Rose, can also lead into some mix-ups. You could something like:
  • BB - Sean Tackle
  • BB - Towards + Fierce
  • BB - Wheel Kicks 
  • BB - Walk up, Kara throw

and so on and so forth. Throwing the basketball also decreases some of the advantage on his normals and push-back. This allows him to land his strongest ground combo without meter: Cl.HK x Dragon Smash. This can only be done while the opponent is stunned. Luckily, Sean has the tools to stun the opponent rather quickly. Taunting then doing EX Wheel/Tackle is the only way of normally comboing into those moves which can be quite stylish. 

Using the taunt, Sean can turn some of his 1-frame links into actual combos. You can do:
  • LP - BB - Target Combo
  • LK - BB - Cl.HK - EX Tornado or Super
  • LP - BB - Cl.MP - Dragon Smash

Something I discovered is when you throw the basketball, you can hit with Cl.MP then hit with another Cl.MP or Cl.HP/HK afterwards. But only on the shorter characters and only if you time the Cl.MP right from the right distance.

Another thing the taunt does is add 12.5% stun to Sean's next combo. 3 basketballs max the modifier out at 37.5%. Something like EX Tackle with 3x stun modifier does 31 stun as opposed to 25 which is the same as Makoto's Fukiage. 

Sean's Throws: Sean's Forward Throw does the most stun of the shotos at 10 (Cl.MP does 9) while his back throw does the most damage of them all at 24.

UOH: Like every character in the game, Sean has an standard overhead option that can link into his supers. Though, its easier with Hadou Burst and Hyper Tornado than with Shoryu Cannon. Kara UOH from his Kara-throw buttons to give him another option to go into super from mid-screen. 


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