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I've always thought (like everyone else) that Sean's damage/stun out-put is low, when in reality its really close to Ryu's. Sean's maximum meter-less damage is only 5 pts. shy of Ryu's to put it in perspective but the issue is that his maximum damage depends on the match-up itself. Sean's (normally) strongest Jump-in (J. HP x Cl. MP x Dragon Smash) does the exact same as Alex's strongest Jump-in.

As for Stun, Sean's stun-output is ridiculous. Especially with the threat of EX Tornadoes once he has the meter. If Sean has enough meter built, he can actually stun and kill within 2 mistakes. This is only further accented through his taunts which add even more stun to his attacks.

These are the important combos that are very useful to Sean and i'll give some insight on them (how much meter they build, damage, etc.)

  • J.Fierce/Roundhouse x Cl. Fierce/Roundhouse x HP Dragon Smash
The most damage that he can do meter-less, period. Builds an excellent amount of meter even for Sean (47) and knocks down. The problem is that this combo generally requires a cross-up to work which means this is probably the most difficult of his combos to do.

Only on Elena does this combo have a higher chance to land, especially in Red-Parry Jump-in punishes or ambiguous cross-ups in the corner.

J. HP can cross-up on the big hit-box characters while they're crouching and some of them standing in the corner. On those standing however you'll only be able to link St. LP at the most.

J. HK can cross-up at the distance that Cl.HK puts you after hitting with it. 

  • J. Fierce/Roundhouse x Cr. Forward x LP Dragon Smash
This is the standard shoto jump-in combo into the DP. You have to be precise with the timing of the jump-in since Sean's jump combo advantage is lower than the other shotos. This combo is essential due to how much meter you get and how it knocks down. Whiffing a Cr. Strong or parrying a move then going into this combo right after will give Sean exactly enough meter for EX's which he needs. Its possible to D.E.D (when using SA1) with this combo if you have half a bar of meter.
  • J. Fierce/Roundhouse x Cl. Strong x HP Dragon Smash
Same as above, but Close Strong is more powerful than Cr. MK. This combo is the 2nd most damage and stun that he can do, safely. You can hit this a little higher on the jump-in but not too high. Toss an SA1 at the end of this for great damage and stun.
  • Cl. Roundhouse x EX Tornado
Simple combo into the EX Tornado; This does 28 stun, which is near 50% on everyone and is Hit Confirm-able.
  • J. Fierce/Roundhouse x Cl. Strong/Fierce/Roundhouse x EX Tornado
Sean's strongest combo with an EX. This can do 61 to 67 DMG and 35 to 41 stun depending on the buttons chose. 
  • Cl. Strong/Fierce/Roundhouse x Dragon Smash
Sean's strongest close-range punisher after a parry. Close Strong is the most reliable but the weakest, Close Fierce is stronger but lacks range, and Close Roundhouse is the strongest but only possible on Urien, Dudley, Twelve and Elena.

Cl.HP x HP Dragon Smash vs. Crouching opponents doesn't work on:

  • Q (Doesn't work in the corner but does mid-screen)
  • Shotos
  • Makoto
  • Chun
  • Elena
  • Oro

Cl. HK x Dragon Smash on Elena is Hit confirm-able. Same goes for Cl.HP as well to an extent.
  • Cr. Forward x Dragon Smash
Standard ground combo, but its also essential when you need to pad damage to a combo or confirm super . This combo with SA1 or 2 at the end of it do the same damage if you had just canceled it instead from Cl. Roundhouse. Also Hit confirm-able as well to an extent.

Stun Combos

There are a lot of stun combos that Sean is capable of doing depending on what he stuns you with. The reason being is the attack that stuns the opponent gains +1 advantage and Sean has quite a few things that already has +2 in hit advantage. This allows him to link supers off some of his normals which he's not able to normally.

  • Jab into/or Cl.MP/Target Combo x SA3 (Crouching Only)
  • Far MP x SA3 (crouch only)
  • St. LK x SA3
  • EX Tornado x SA2 (Crouching Only and the first hit has to whiff)
  • Cl.MP x SA2 (Standing)
  • Cl.HP/HK x LP Tackle (Crouching Only)
  • Cl.HP/HK x HK Tornado (Standing and Crouching)
  • Wheel Kick x SA2/3 (Twins Only, Standing Only)
  • UOH x Cr. MK x SA1/3 (Crouching Only)
  • Cl.HK x Cr. LK/MP x SA1/3 (Crouching Only) [Character and Situationally Specific]

Universal Overhead

  • Max range UOH x St. MK (Crouching only) [Works on Shotos, Makoto, Remy, Ibuki, Hugo]
  • Max range UOH x Cr. LK x SA1/3 (Crouching only) [Works on Makoto and Remy]


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