Sean's crouching normals are generally the same as the other 3 shotos except, for minor differences. The important ones such as: Crouching Jab Crouching Short Crouching Strong Are all the same as the other 3. Typical Shoto hit-confirms like Cr. LK x 2, Cr. MP, Cr. LK x Cr. LP x Cr. LK and all that works with Sean just like with the others. As for the normals that are different: Crouching Forward - Starts up in 7 frames and is -4 on block, -3 on hit/-2 crouching; 12 DMG/3 Stun. This starts up just as fast as Ryu's but recovers in 17 frames like Ken's. Easily among the best of his shoto buttons due to its good range and cancel-ability into specials or supers. This button is the main whiff-punisher, counter-crouch poke, etc etc. The thing is about this button and his other cancel-able normals is that they don't lead into anything but supers when stocked, which means this button should only be used when either: A) The opponent isn't capable ...