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Vs. Ibuki

In this match-up, Sean has one extra hit confirm into Hadou Burst/Hyper Tornado, being his Target Combo if you catch her crouching and if the MP - HK is delayed. Tackle is of benefit since it can escape kunai set-ups and if done early enough, scoot underneath her SA1.

Recommended Super: All 3 can be used.

Hadou Burst - Consistent damage, can punish Raida on block; can punish F+ MK, F+ HK on parry. Can also punish Tsumuji on block IF it ends with a low sweep (for extra damage to boot).

Shoryu Cannon - To deter her air game, and deals great damage; can punish her Raida,  F + MK and F + HK after parry and 2nd hit of MK Tsumuji on reversal or any variation (that isnt EX) that leaves her too close.

Hyper Tornado - A 45% punisher vs. her. Can punish things like Raida and almost all of her variations of Tsumuji. Can also punish F+ MK and F + HK on parry and her SA1 on block (distance dependent).

Punishing her DP + K:

Down parry twice, then Neutral Jump HK/HP x Cl.HK/HP into EX Tornado or Super to maximize damage.

Against Ibuki, first off realize that at mid range, your main go to pokes (Cr. MP/MK/HK) are not as effective because of her F + HK, which does a lot of damage and stun and completely goes over your move.

Because of this, you'll want to "fill up space" in front of you with buffered high parries occasionally,
and stay out of its range and punish it on whiff (with something like sweep).

Her only mid range low pokes are slide, which if you have meter is very unsafe (although you may not be able to punish it at absolute max range). At any other distance you get a free super on her. Cr. MK which is mainly used for annoyance purposes, and Cr. HK (which is also unsafe, you get a free super on block).

Smart Ibukis block low, so once you get her in the corner, do not be afraid to throw, however do not be too obvious about it, Ibuki has many anti "instant throw" counters. A lot of ibuki players do not like to block though because of this. Learn to wait one second, then attack her, or set your ticks up with meaties first. Ibuki can reversal DP + K (which is off the ground instantly), EX DP into SA1 (a bit of a waste of meter, but will strictly beat your meaties). Wake-up raida ("command grab"), Cr. LK xx EX Tsumuji, St. MK xx Tsumuji...etc

The point is she has a lot of wake-up options so be wary.

After she makes you block an EX DP you can either straight up EX dragon,
or parry high twice into jab dragon smash or a combo from Cr. MK or Cl. HK.

If you parry her F + MK you do not get anything guaranteed, so don't commit to anything because she CAN block.

When Ibuki starts her offense, BLOCK LOW.
Do not mash, she will stun you extremely quickly if you do not block against her.

For Sean, the most important thing in this match-up is to build meter first
(but do not blindly mash Cr. MP she will hit you with F + HK for free).
Ibuki can potentially control the match, but Sean can out-damage her, and take less damage.
Be patient, and when you get an opening be sure to land your damage.

At this range, the main things to worry about are slide, sweep, Cr. MK,  F+HK, F+MK and B+MK since nothing else reaches. Sean's St.MK will beat slide, sweep and Cr. MK at this range rather easily. Sean has to be weary of F+HK since he doesn't have anything like Ken St. MK so he's stuck trying to force it to whiff so that he can punish it. Same kind of goes for F+MK as well.


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