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Vs. Dudley

Full Power Match-up

Dudley, like Elena, is one of the few characters Cl.HK x HP Dragon Smash works on. On Dudley, its not as consistent as Elena
since it has to be cancelled quickly from Cl.HK (or it will whiff) but its still able to be used.

Dudley is also the only character Sean can hit-confirm MP Dragon Smash on (whether standing or crouching) from Cr. LK x St. LP.

He also has his TC x SA3 confirm on him crouching as well.

Recommended Super:
SA1 - To take advantage of Cl.HK x HP Dragon Smash and to be able to punish him and his MGB's on block.
SA2 - To punish his overhead, corner pressure, damage, and to get bailed out if caught in a super war.

Strongest combos in this match up:

Cross-up J.MK x Cl.HK x HP Dragon Smash x SA1 = 68 Damage
Cl. HK x HP Dragon Smash x SA1 = 59 Damage

Normals that can be Tackled:

Standing HP
Forward HP
Crouching HK
Crouching MK

Punishing Target Chains:

MK - HK - HP Chain if red parried leaves him crouching, Punish with Cr. HP x Super or Sweep since its not cancel-able

Dart Shot (F + HK) - St. MK can be Tackled upon parry. St. MK cannot be tackled normally but it can in this instance.
Cl.HK x HP Dragon Smash is possible if close enough.

St.MP - St.MK - St.HP can be Tackled.

St. LK - St. MK - St. MP - St. HP if parried leaves him crouching, punish accordingly.

Cr. LK - Cr. MP - Cr. HP can be punished with Tackle, also leaves him crouching so punish with Cr. HP x Super if too far away or Cl. HK x Super if close.

Cr. LK - St. MK can be punished with Tackle or a confirm into Super

F+ MK - St. MK - St. HP can be punished with Tackle or Cr. HP x Super

Punish Situations:

  • Down Red Parry the last hit of EX MGB and hit with Cl. HK x HP Dragon Smash x Hadou Burst or Jump parry the last hit then J. HP x Cl. HK x Hadou Burst (4 points difference in damage).
  • Down Parry the last 2 hits of SA1 then J. HK x Cl. HK x Super or J. HK x Cr. MK x Dragon Smash 

The best way to beat Dudley is to anti air him consistently if he cant jump at you, you can just play footsies and sweep or Cr. MK x Super his whiffs, and make him play defensively.

However, getting Dudley to stop jumping is easier said than done.
Some things you can do:

  • Early Far HP 
  • Dash under short short
  • Dragon Smash
  • Standing Jab 
  • Make him land on Cr. MK
  • Towards + Roundhouse

Try to keep your distance and punish whiffs, good throw games, strong option parry game, etc.

Sean has two ways of dealing with Dudley's jump-ins: landing options, and anti-air options.

Lets look more into the advantages of Dudley being cornered. Once Dudley is in the corner, he is limited to the option of trying to create space through pokes and jumping forward. Assuming if the Dudley player wants to go anywhere during the match.

Don't take Dudley's two above tactics lightly though. Once combined together, a Dudley player can quickly turn the tides of the match, even though you had him in the corner 1st.

What to do with a cornered Dudley:

  • Dash up into mix-ups to score knockdowns. With Dudley's back to the corner, limiting him from moving backwards, dash into your mix-ups.

Another way Sean can land damage is not very different from his above tactic,
but works as an alteration to his dash offense.
  • Try dashing up into your Cr. LK range, stick out Cr. LK, then start your dash-up mix-ups.

Besides the obvious differences, this alteration works because:

a) As Sean's dash ends, Cr. LK can beat out a lot of pokes from the opponent if
they react a little slow and try to stick out anything as your dash finishes.

b) A common reaction to a connected poke like Cr. LK is to sit still crouching.
If they try to poke back again, they are victim to Sean's Cr. MK x SA1 connecting.
This fear allows Sean to dash up to the opponent to begin mix-ups.

What Dudley can do to fight this:

Dudley's answer to this are his pokes:

  • St. MP
  • St. MK
  • St. HP
  • F. HP
  • Cr. HK are his ways of slowing down your advances toward him.

The goal behind this is to make you reluctant to dashing in on him to do damage with your mix-ups.
Once this is accomplished. Sean will be forced to stay at a distance,
looking for openings or holes in Dudley's defense.

What Sean can do now that he's been neutralized:

Sean has another tactic he can use:
  • Sean can still move his way closer to Dudley, close enough where his Cr. MK will connect. Keep in mind that when he is doing this, he's sticking out Cr. MK hoping that Dudley was either unable to respond in time, or just wasn't blocking at that time.

Another tactic he can use to dash-up into his Cr. MP range and stick it out. A little risky,
and its hard for me to explain when an opening is available for this. Also, Sean Tackle goes underneath his St. HP at the right range and can also by itself be used to punish it on parry.

What Dudley can do now that Sean has been neutralized:

What Dudley's love to do when fighting shotos is to use their own Cr. MK against them.
Every shoto player has been there, and it hurts when you're not sticking out Cr. MK with caution.
There are ways of spotting this though. Here are some of the more common ways of seeing this, so you wont fall victim:

  • This works mostly when Dudley is fighting from mid-range. After Dudley has pushed you back far enough, Dudley will inch his way inside your Cr. MK range, and block low. Hoping that you will stick out Cr. MK, Dudley will use his own judgment (and they are usually correct), and jump over your Cr. MK and land for a mix-up; throw into the corner, or Cr. LK - Cr. MP -Cr. HP. Sometimes, when your Cr. MK timing is really off, Dudley can manage to land an aerial attack and go straight into whatever combo he wants.
  • Another way to spot this is when Dudley jumps forward. Not to jump-in on you, but jumps forward to close distance, and lands into your Cr. MK range. As he lands, a common shoto reaction is to Cr. MK him to push him back, right? Dudley's can defend against this by jumping again to hop over your Cr.MK as they land, and land back into mix-ups once again.


  • One trick is to standing far MP early when he's landing to you. 

Do this while buffering commands for LP/EX Dragon Smash. if the F. MP gets parried, finish the command and throw out LP/EX-Dragon Smash
to catch him. Since a Dudley player sees himself parrying F.MP, he wont expect more hits to parry as he's landing.

  • Vertical jumping HK - Basic Air-air option but works 
  • Jump forward~LK - This works even better with an air-parry installed with it. 

As you see Dudley jump forward, you jump forward, inputting parry~J. LK at the position where
you'd expect Dudley's J. HP to collide with you. This resets Dudley, then you both land on the ground. From here, dash-up offense is available to you.

  • Reg/EX Dragon Smash - Its good to note that when a Dudley is expecting himself to parry a DP or EX DP by the time he jumps in, Dudley cannot use jump attacks. This is why you always see Dudley's jumping in empty sometimes.
  • LK tornado - can send him flying toward the corner, and a super can connect.
  • Crouch HP - Use Cr. HP as an easy AA vs Dudley's jump-ins. Cancel into the Tackle for more mix-ups. Due to its easy and obvious one hit parry timing, Dudley's WILL parry this next time around. This time, use Cr.MP~Dragon Smash/Zenten/Tackle etc. instead. After the Cr. HP gets parried, Dragon Smash adds another hit to parry at the last moment.
  • Dashing under into common mix-ups.

Landing options:

These only work when Dudley is jumping forward to close the distance to you. In other words, when hes jumping forward, you are a little too far away for him to be jumping in on you:

  • Landing empty: Cr. LK - dash-up offenses. Works when Dudley lands empty without an attack.
  • UOH. When Dudley's land, they usually land crouching expecting you to use Cr. MK to push them back and nullify their advances...which brings me to...
  • Cr.MK x EX DS/Tornado. Making their attempt to get closer a partial failure. This is a common defense towards Dudley jumping in to get close to you.
  • Dash-up as he lands.
Don't forget that the ideal position when defending vs a Dudley or keeping him to the wall, is outside his "jump-in range". In other words, keep him at the range where every time he jumps in, hes not jumping into you. He only lands on the ground, without his air attack connected.
So what basically happens is after Dudley lands, he has no other choice but to block
b/c he landed at a distance with no aerial attack.
anyway, to continue...
  • Jump-in on him with J. MK as Dudley lands from his own jump-in. 
What basically happens is this:

Dudley jumps forward to get closer to you, as he reaches his apex and starts to land,
Sean jumps forward as well. Just as Dudley lands, Sean lands on top of him with J. MK, lands for mix-up.

LP Dragon Smash is the variation of DP to use in this match-up (outside of Cl. HK x HP Dragon) due to the quick-stand mixup afterwards.


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