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Options and their ranges

  • Sean has access to all of his options at close range.
  • In the close inter-medial range he has access to
    • Cl. HK
    • Cr. MP
    • Far MP
    • Cr. MK 
    • St. LP
    • Cr. LK
    • UOH
    • Neutral Jump MK
  • In the mid-range he has:
    • Cr. MK
    • Cr. HK
    • Far HP
    • Kara UOH
    • Far MP
    • F+HK
    • LP Tackle
    • LK Wheel Kick
    • F+HP
  • In the far inter-medial range he has:
    • MP Tackle
    • Forward Dash
    • Safe Jump HK
    • MK Wheel Kick
  • In the far range he has:
    • HK/EX Wheel
    • HP/EX Tackle
    • Forward Dash
    • Taunt


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