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Data notes

Sean's crouching hurt-box extends his lower sprite forward 7 initially, then to 8 pixels. This is applicable to UOH, Jumps, most of his special moves and his dashes.  When crouching, his attacks keep his hurt-box from extending to the 8th while extending his throw-box by differing amounts. This means whenever you crouch as Sean, you need to time your button presses/parry attempts at the same time to minimize your sprite extension. 

Sean's Forward Walk covers 2 pixels per frame with his lower sprite box retreating 2 pixels backwards before advancing 4 pixels forward. 

Sean's Backward Walk covers 3 pixels per frame with his lower sprite box extending forward 9 pixels before retreating 13 pixels backwards. (Down-parry before trying to walk back out of exchanges or risk getting clipped by long reaching lows)

Sean's Forward Dash covers 112 pixels and recovers completely in 13 frames. When a button is pressed as soon as Sean is actionable, it shortens the hurt-box's extension by 5-6 pixels.  

Sean's Backward Dash retreats 54 pixels and recovers completely in 15 frames. 

St. MK's lower sprite advances forward 2 pixels but on frame 2 retreats 14 pixels for 12 frames (through the active frames of the normal). Moves forward 21 pixels on recovery. 

The ideal range for Safe-Jump J.HK is around 180 pixels of distance (give or take 5 pixels).

Max Dash-Throw range is around 130 pixels; Max Dash Kara-Throw range is around 138-143 pixels.

The ideal range for Dash Cr. LK/St. LP and Cl. HK confirms is around 142 pixels.

Far MP, Crouch MP and Cl. HK moves Sean backwards 60 pixels. 

Crouch HP moves Sean backwards 72 pixels

Far HK moves Sean backwards 84 pixels

St. MK moves Sean backwards 38 pixels (point-blank it will push you to Cl. HK's max range recognition)

Distance between throwboxes and lower sprite hurtboxes

Ibuki's throwable hitboxes are 12 px inward from her lower sprite 

Gouki throw hitboxes are 10 px inward from his lower sprite 

Ryu/12 is 8 px from their lower sprite

Ken is 7 px from his lower sprite

Chun/Mak/Alex is 19 px from their lower sprite

Sean is 6 px from his lower sprite

Remy is 13 px from his lower sprite

Necro/Urien/Q is 5 px from their lower sprite

Yun is 16-20 px away from lower sprite

Yang is 16-24 px away from lower sprite

Oro is 18 px away from lower sprite

Dudley is 8-10 px away from lower sprite

Elena shifts up to 30 pixels away from lower sprite

Hugo is 15 px away from lower sprite

  • LP Sean Tackle dash covers 85 pixels of distance/MP 123/HP 166/ EX 238
    • When input is held, it covers 115 pixels more
    • The tackle has 35 pixels of range (21 pixels protrude from the lower sprite)
    • 137 pixels in total needed for max range Full LP Tackle  (not taking character differences into account)


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