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Oki Data

To further optimize things, I decided to log down the amount of time Sean gets on his KND's (not counting SA2 since taunt oki and Wheel Kick knockdowns are far in between and it varies depending on the height they get smacked down from)

Hadou Burst

Sean isn't granted the amount of time of okizeme as say, Gouki but he does get time to set some things up. The amount of time Sean gets off of quick cancel is set in stone but if he late cancels off a Cr. MK at max range, he gets rewarded with extra frames of time to set something up.

  • Urien - +60 on knockdown normally
             - +62 if Cr. LK Cr. LK x St. LP or max range late cancelled Cr. MK (mid screen standing)
             - +64 if max range Cr. MK (midscreen crouching)
             - +63 if max range late cancelled Cr. MK (cornered crouching)

  • Oro/Elena - +39 on knockdown normally
           - +43 if max range Cr. MK or Cr. LKx2 (midscreen)
           - +40 if max range late cancelled Cr. MK (cornered standing)
           - +42 if max range late cancelled Cr. MK (cornered crouching)

  • Makoto- +59 on knockdown
                   +60 if max range Cr. MK (cornered standing)
                   +62 if max range late cancelled Cr. MK (cornered crouching)
                   +63 if max range Cr. LKx2, late cancelled Cr. MK (midscreen)

  • Q - +48 on knockdown normally (everything in the corner too)
        - +50 if max range late cancelled Cr. MK (mid-screen standing)
        - +51-+52 if Cr. LK x2 (mid screen crouching)
        - +52 if max range Cr. MK  (midscreen crouching)

  • Necro/Ibuki - +32 on knockdown normally (off Cl.HK confirm, DP x super, Cr. LKx 2s, etc
              - +34 if max range late cancelled Cr. MK (cornered standing)
              - +35 if max range late cancelled Cr. MK (cornered crouching), (mid-screen standing) or max range Cr. MK period (mid-screen)
              -+36 if max range low forward (crouching mid-screen)

  • Alex - +49 on knockdown normally
               +53 if max range Cr. MK (midscreen)
               +53 if max range latest cancel Cr. LKx2 or Cr. MK (midscreen)
               + 51 if max range late cancel Cr.MK (cornered crouching)
  • Chun- +41 on knockdown normally
              +45 if max range Cr. LKx2 or Cr. MK (mid screen)
              +42 if max range Cr. LKx2 (cornered standing)
              +43 if max range late cancelled Cr. MK (cornered crouching)
              +44 if max range late cancelled Cr. MK (cornered standing)


  • Shotos, Alex, Q - +17
  • Chun - +16 
  • Ibuki - +25
  • Oro - +34
  • Twins- +21
  • Makoto - +31
  • Necro - +28/24 N.Qs
  • Elena - +30
  • Remy - +15
  • Hugo/Dudley, Urien - +22
  • 12 - +23

Forward Throw

  • 12 -  -2 
  • Shotos - +12
  • Chun/Twins/Alex/Dudley - +10
  • Ibuki - +7
  • Oro/Mak/Necro - +13
  • Elena - +20
  • Urien/Q - +11
  • Remy - +4
  • Hugo - +8

Back Throw

  • Hugo - +46
  • Sean, Ryu, Gouki, Alex - +45
  • Ken - +43
  • Chun - +32
  • Ibuki - +49
  • Oro - +44
  • Twins - +35
  • Makoto/Urien - +38
  • Elena - +48
  • Necro - +55
  • 12 - +45
  • Dudley - +37/ +49 NQS
  • Q - +39
  • Remy - +34

Tackle (for EX Tackle subtract 5 frames)

  • Shotos/Oro/Necro - +13
  • Chun/Hugo/12 - +11
  • Ibuki/Dudley - +8
  • Twins - +5
  • Elena - +22
  • Alex - +10
  • Q - +16
  • Urien - +9
  • Remy - +6
  • Makoto - +15

Corner ADV.

Frame Kills


·         Meaty Cl. MP


·         Meaty Cl. HK


·         Meaty UOH (link SA2)


·         Whiff St. LP – Meaty Cl. MP


·         Whiff St. LP – Meaty Cl. HK


·         Forward Dash – Cl. MP

·         Whiff Cr. LP – Meaty Cl. HK


·         Forward Dash – Meaty Cl. HK

·         Meaty UOH (Latest Hit)


·         Whiff Cr. LK – Meaty Cl. MP


·         Whiff Cr. MP – Meaty Cl. MP

·         Whiff Cr. LK – Meaty Cl. HK


·         Whiff Cr. MP – Meaty Cl. HK


·         Whiff Cl. MP – Meaty Cl. MP


·         Whiff Cl. HK – Meaty Cl. MP

·         Whiff Cl. MP – Meaty Cl. HK


·         Whiff Cl. HK – Meaty Cl. HK


·         Dash Forward – UOH (link SA2)


·         LP Tackle Dash – Meaty Cl. MP

·         Dash Forward – Whiff St. LP – Meaty Cl. MP

·         Whiff Far MP – Meaty Cl. HK


·         LP Tackle Dash – Meaty Cl. HK

·         Dash Forward – Whiff St. LP – Meaty Cl. HK


·         Whiff St. MK or Cl. HP – Meaty Cl. MP

·         Dash Forward – UOH into Cl. MP (crouching)

·         Dash Forward – Whiff Cr. LP – Meaty Cl. MP


·         Whiff St. MK, Cl. HP, Throw – Meaty Cl. HK

·         Dash Forward – Whiff Cr. LP – Meaty Cl. HK



·         MP Tackle Dash – Meaty Cl. MP

·         Dash Forward – UOH into Cl. HK (crouching)

·         Whiff Cr. MP – Whiff St. LP – Meaty Cl. HK


·         Latest hit Neutral J. HP

·         Dash forward – UOH (Latest hit)

·         Whiff St. LK – Whiff Cr. LP – Meaty Cl. HK

·         Whiff LP Roll – Meaty Cl. MP

·         MP Tackle Dash – Meaty Cl. HK


·         Safe Jump J. HK/HP

·         Dash Forward – Whiff Cr. MP – Meaty Cl. MP

·         LP Roll – Meaty Cl. HK


·         Dash Forward – Whiff Cr. MP – Meaty Cl.HK

·         Dash Forward x2 – Meaty Cl. MP

·         Whiff Cr. MK or Cr. HP – Meaty Cl. HK


·         Dash Forward x 2 – Meaty Cl. HK

·         Whiff UOH – Meaty Cl. MP

·         HP Tackle Dash – Meaty Cl. MP


·         Whiff UOH – Meaty Cl. HK

·         Whiff St. LP – Whiff Far MP – Meaty Cl. MP

·         HP Tackle Dash – Meaty Cl. HK


·         EX Tackle Dash – Meaty Cl. MP

·         Whiff Far HP – Meaty Cl. HK

·         Whiff St. LP – Whiff Far MP – Meaty Cl. HK



·         Ex Tackle Dash – Meaty Cl. HK

·         Whiff St. LP (then refer to +32 options)

·         Whiff Cr. LP (then refer to +30 options)

·         Dash Forward (then refer to +29 options)


·         Whiff Far MP (then refer to +21 options)

·         Whiff St. LP (then refer to +33 options)

·         Whiff Cr. LP (then refer to +31 options)

·         Dash forward (then refer to +30 options)



·         LP tackle dash (then refer to +21 options)

·         Whiff St. LP (then refer to +34 options)

·         Whiff Cr. LP (then refer to +32 options)

·         Dash Forward (then refer to +31 options)

·         Whiff St. MK (then refer to +19 options)

·         Whiff Far MP (then refer to +22 options)


·         Whiff Cr. MP – Whiff Cl. HK – Meaty Cl. HK

----- Whiff Cr. MP (then refer to +31 options)

·         Whiff St. LP (then refer to +35 options)

·         Whiff Cr. LP (then refer to +33 options)

·         Dash Forward (then refer to +32 options)

·         Whiff St. LK (then refer to +30 options)

·         LP Tackle dash (then refer to +22 options)



·         Forward Jump – Meaty Cl. MP

·         Whiff F+HK – Meaty Cl. MP

·         Whiff St. LP (then refer to +36 options)

·         Whiff Cr. LP (then refer to +34 options)

·         MP Tackle Dash (then refer to +19 options)

·         Whiff Cr. MP (then refer to +30 options)

·         Whiff St. MK (then refer to +21 options)

·         LP Tackle Dash (then refer to +23 options)

·         Whiff St. LK (then refer to +31 options)


·         Whiff St. LP – Safe Jump J.HK/MK/HP

·         Forward Jump – Meaty Cl. HK

·         Whiff F+HK – Meaty Cl. HK



·         Whiff LK Tornado – Meaty Cl. MP

·         Whiff Sweep – Meaty Cl. HK


·         Whiff LK Tornado – Meaty Cl. HK


·         Jump-Shot (Taunt)

·         Dash forward (then refer to +37 options)



  • Forward dash cancelled is 13 frames
  • Backward dash cancelled is 15 frames
  • LP tackle dash is 23 frames/MP 27/ HP 31/ EX 33
  • LP Roll is 28 frames/MP 38/HP 53
  • UOH is 30 frames; Latest possible hit is 22rd frame
  • Wheel kick is 48 frames
  • St. Jab is 10 frames
  • Cr. MK is 29 frames
  • Cl. HK is 20 frames; Latest active frame is the 10th
  • Cl. MP is 19 frames; Latest active frame is the 9th
  • Cr. MP is 16 frames; Latest active frame is the 9th
  • Cl. HP is 25 frames; Latest active frame is the 10th
  • Far HP is 32 frames; Latest active frame is 13th
  • Far HK is 37 frames
  • St. MK is 25 frames
    • Throw is 25 frames
  • Cr. Jab is 12 frames; Latest active frame is the 7th
  • Taunt is 50 frames; Latest active frame is the 73rd
  • Jump forward is 39 frames
    • Sweep is 39 frames
  • Neutral Jump is 38 frames
    • F+HK is 38 frames 
  • Jump backward is 42 frames
  • Whiff Forward jump normal is 41 frames duration
  • Whiff Neutral jump normal is 40 frames duration
    • Whiff LK Tornado is 40 frames
  • Whiff Backward jump normal is 44 frames duration
  • Whiff Super-Jump normal is 55 frames duration


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