Full Power Match-up Dudley, like Elena, is one of the few characters Cl.HK x HP Dragon Smash works on. On Dudley, its not as consistent as Elena since it has to be cancelled quickly from Cl.HK (or it will whiff) but its still able to be used. Dudley is also the only character Sean can hit-confirm MP Dragon Smash on (whether standing or crouching) from Cr. LK x St. LP. He also has his TC x SA3 confirm on him crouching as well. Recommended Super: SA1 - To take advantage of Cl.HK x HP Dragon Smash and to be able to punish him and his MGB's on block. SA2 - To punish his overhead, corner pressure, damage, and to get bailed out if caught in a super war. Strongest combos in this match up: Cross-up J.MK x Cl.HK x HP Dragon Smash x SA1 = 68 Damage Cl. HK x HP Dragon Smash x SA1 = 59 Damage Normals that can be Tackled : Standing HP Forward HP Crouching HK Crouching MK Punishing Target Chains : MK - HK - HP Chain if red parried leaves him crouching, Punish with...