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Sean's Options and Okizeme

Sean's okizeme is in the middle of  the spectrum of the other 3 shotos. Like Akuma and Ryu, he has a use-able Kara Throw that has a good amount of range to it along with their Shoto Knee (Cl.HK) and like Ken, he has Cl.MP that can lead into many options dependent on the situation. His 3 main close normals (MP/HP/HK) are great for meaties due to the amount of advantage they can achieve and how many hit frames they have (5). Unlike the other Shotos, his Taunt can also be a great tool when it comes to Oki in hard knockdowns due to having to worry about what he could do after throwing it.

SA3 is his strongest super when it comes to wake-up games. SA1 can also be quite strong in this regard as well. Since his "Close Range" is longer/wider than the other shotos, he can stand at max Cl. HK distance (where reversals are more likely to whiff) and go for either:
  • High Parry only normal (Confirm or Reset)
  • Low Parry only normals (Confirm (may have to step forward) or Knockdown)
  • Kara-Throw (After stepping forward)

The only downsides to this is to truly be effective, he can only do this while he has super stocked.
Sean does have a DP (even though it isn't very good at all) that can give him KND's consistently and also he has Towards + HK which resets upon hitting. 

He doesn't have a fast overhead (which means you can usually get away with down backing on wake-up) but he does have a decent Kara UOH that can confirm super. His wake-up pressure mostly revolves around him using raw/Kara throws and then baiting you into teching and confirming into super from it.

Close Roundhouse Options

  • Cl. HK xx SA1/3 (confirmed)
  • Cl. HK, UOH xx SA1/3 (confirmed)
  • Cl. HK, into Cr. LK Mixups (on a few characters)
  • Cl. HK, walk up, Kara Throw/Dash Throw
  • Cl. HK xx St. MK (Crouching Meaty Hit only)
  • Cl. HK xx Cr. LK xx SA1/3 (Confirmed) (Crouching Meaty Hit only on some characters)
  • Cl. HK xx Cr. MK xx Super (Confirmed) (Crouching Meaty Hit only) [SA2 htis only on a few characters]
  • Cl. HK xx LP Tackle Fake, Throw
  • Cl. HK, OS Parry

Close Medium Punch Options

  • Cl. MP xx SA1 or 2 (If reset in the air with Cl. MP)
  • Cl. MP xx SA2  (Confirm Crouching or on Meaty)
  • Cl. MP, Tick Throw (Regular or Kara'd)
  • Cl. MP, Crouching MP xx Super (confirmed)
  • Cl. MP, Crouching MP, Dash Throw
  • Cl. MP, Standing Cl. HK xx SA1/3 (confirmed)
  • Cl. MP, step forward, Cr. LK x 2 xx Super (confirmed)
  • Cl. MP, LP Tackle fake, Throw
  • Cl. MP-HK  (Target combo; can be delayed to make red parrying it difficult) [**confirm super if caught crouching on 8 different characters w/Delay]
  • Cl. MP, Cr. MP *take a step then UOH xx Super (confirmed)
  • Cl. MP, OS Parry
  • Cl. MP-HK, UOH xx SA1/3 (confirmed)

Crouching Light Kick Options

  • Cr. LK, Tick Throw (Reg or Kara'd)
  • Cr. LK, Cl. MP-HK (can confirm super on 8 characters if crouching w/Delay)
  • Cr. LK, OS parry (if blocked)
  • Cr. LK, St. LP xx MP Dragon Smash (Works on Alex, Necro, Akuma, and Dudley Standing) [Only works on Dudley Crouching]
  • **can go into SA1 or 2** (confirmed)
  • Cr. LK, Cl.HK xx Super (confirmed)
  • Cr. LK x 2 xx Super (if hit confirmed)
  • Cr. LK x 2, Dash Throw (if blocked)
  • Cr. LK x 2, Dash C.LK x 2 xx Super(confirmed)
  • Cr. LK x 2, Medium Kick (Confirm into super if you see them stand after blocking LKx2)
  • Cr. LK x 2, then dash EX Dragon Smash (if you're feeling saucy)

**Can use Cr. LK, Cr. LP, Cr. LK if you find that easier or Cr. LK, St. LP, Cr. LK**

Empty Jump Options

  • Empty Jump Throw
  • Empty Jump Back Dash (Confirm into Cr. MK x Super if you see a throw whiff)
  • Empty Jump C.LK x 2 xx Super
  • Empty Jump EX Dragon Smash
  • Empty Jump LP Zenten
  • Empty Jump Jump Back HK

Cross Up Medium Kick Options

  • Cross Up MK, Throw
  • Cross Up MK, Close MP (and post mix ups)
  • Cross Up MK, Cr. LK (And post mix ups if blocked)
  • Cross Up MK, Cl. HP  + Towards HP (use this only if you condition them into blocking low by using C.LK a lot)
  • Cross up MK, Back Dash (Confirm into Cr. MK x Super if they whiff a throw)
  • Cross up MK, Jump Back HK
  • Cross up MK, LP Zenten (if feeling saucy)
  • Cross up MK, F + HK (if they like throwing a lot)

Options on their wake-up:

  • Target Combos (Cl. MP - HK or Cl. HP - F + HP)
  • Sweep
  • Cl. HP SGGK
  • Buffer Parry~ Cl. HK~ throw 
  • Cl. HK/HP late buffer EX Dragon
  • Cl. HK hit-confirm (EX Tornado, SA's, DP on some characters)
  • Cr. MK hit-confirm (EX Tornado, SA's, DP)
  • DED (when applicable)
  • Back-dash/Shimmy/Jump Backwards
  • Kara Throw (Forward or Backward)
  • Taunt (when applicable)
  • Cr. LK x 2 confirm/Cr. LK x St. LP confirm (-1 on whiff; confirm DP on 4 characters)
  • Cr. LK tick options
  • Cl MP tick options

Wake-up options:
  • Invincible DP - EX Dragon Smash has 8 frames of invincibility that can beat or trade with meaties; Can lose to throw or meaty low when if timed properly (from a distance) and be punished quite handily so be aware.
  • Throw Invulnerable Attack - Normals or specials that start up in 6 frames or less gain throw invulnerability on wake-up. The moves that start up in less than 6 frames are: All light attacks, All medium punches, Cl.HP/HK, Zenten, and LP Dragon Smash. Rolling Sabat (F + HK) is airborne on the 6th which also inherits the throw invulnerability following the same principle.
  • Guard/Parry Jump - Press down-back (or forward) then jump on wake-up. Blocks meaties (though not multi-hits very well) and gets you out of the corner granted they don't punish the part of the jump where you cant parry.
  • Guard/Parry Roll - Same as above but instead of jumping, input the motion for Zenten. It deals with multi-hit attacks well since your already crouch blocking. Works vs. command grab characters well since Zenten's whole animation is shorter than jumping which gives you more time to punish command grabs that usually recover too fast for a significant punish (like karakusa). 


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