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Vs. Necro

Necro's corner pressure is just as dangerous as Dudley's which means this match-up will require constant walking forward. The problem is that he can zone you out using his moves which means parrying will be of importance in this match-up. Learn to parry his revolving punch, electric and overheads.

Sean, if defense permits, can punish his main long range normals after parry with Tackle (depending on dist.) Also if Sean manages to walk him to the corner, he becomes that much more dangerous. Cl. HK is important in this match-up as this is the only match-up where Sean's strongest ground combo (Cl. HK x EX Dragon Smash) is able to be utilized outside of a basketball toss situation but only if the Cl. HK is on Meaty or if he's stunned (again you won't need the basketball). Necro can also be crossed up if hit with a EX Dragon Smash with only 1 dash if he quick rolls. His hit-box is massive, which means you can land combos in this match-up which you wouldn't normally be able to do like fully hit with EX Dragon Smash in the corner after landing SA2.

Scenario 1: If you red parry his revolving punch and he still goes into SA3, immediately Zenten afterwards to the other side. Electric Snake is one of those supers that move Necro forward meaning Zenten will completely avoid him. If you have the meter, punish him with a confirm into super once you get to the other side. (only works if he cancels into the super late)

Scenario 2: If you red parry his revolving punch and he still goes into SA3, immediately Hadou Burst. It'll trade in Sean's favor and send him flying. If he's near the corner you can follow up with another Hadou Burst if stocked. (When near the corner)

Necro's normals that can be Tackled:

Standing HP (Can be EX Tackled)
Crouching HP
Standing HK
Crouching HK (Can be EX Tackled)
Back + HP
Crouching MK

Recommended Supers:

SA1 - To punish him whenever you can, to beat out  sa3, consistent damage/punishment.
SA2 - To do damage, corner juggles/pressure and punishments.

Basically in this match you have to play Sean a little differently if you want to win
(aka not using as your go to poke at mid range)

Why? Necro has St. MP.

St. MPcompletely goes over your Cr. MK (and Cr. RH) at most ranges,
and will stuff you in crouching position, allowing him to easily combo super on you.

Now, while is a great normal for Necro against shoto's, Sean has several answers to it.

Far MP will beat Necro's clean a good amount of the time (and his other normals),
St. LP also works, as well as option select parries high.

Another important thing to remember in this match-up is in any "option select" situation it is,
much much better to attempt to high parry as Necro's "anti throw" moves all hit high.
(Back + MP, Back + LK, Back + HP (from a bit farther range)

Because of this if you try to do something like low short, down parry on Necro
he will most likely hit confirm your crouching body into SA3. So don't be afraid to parry HIGH.

Also in regards to anti throw situations, if you forward throw Necro mid-screen and attempt to stage a dash mix-up he recovers before you can attack him, and you will eat Back + LK, standing strong xx SA3 for free.

Cr. HP is an extremely strong normal for Sean in this match-up as well,
because not only does it tend to beat a lot of Necro's ground normals, it also beats most of his air normals for free.

If you parry a drill, immediately jab Dragon Smash him, don't try to wait and throw him as you land,
you will either just get a tech, or eat a Back + LK combo for your trouble.

Drills can be parried high and low. Necro's will try to be "cross-up ambiguous" with their drills if they knock you down so just parry down then Jab Dragon Smash or Super.

You can punish mp hook with reversal super, HP hook with whatever and you cannot punish jab hook outside of a red parry (which usually isn't worth it, because if you miss, Necro has you knocked down in the corner). You can punish his "command grab" (hcf lk) with reversal super, or sweep,
but make sure you're in range that also goes for his SA3, you can reversal super it at semi close range,
but it is safe at absolute max range so don't try anything stupid.

If Necro does get you knocked down in the corner (which you DO NOT WANT)
he will usually try to use some throw setup because its generally the least risk, and has extremely high reward (throw, DB + fierce works on shotos in the corner) you want to either crouch tech or try to jump out. DP VERY SPARINGLY because Necro has very damaging and high stun combos if you ever give him a big opening (like a parry or blocked dp) and watch out for UOH as well (it's not extremely fast, but it will catch you off guard if you aren't looking for it).

When you knock Necro down you want to stage general mix-ups, just don't get too greedy with throws (and watch out for wake-up throw, know that Necro's throw range is longer than yours)
if Necro jumps back in the corner, just Cr. HP it will beat anything he does.

Jumping is a strong option in this match-up because generally, unless Necro highly anticipates it,
his only option for anti air is parry into throw.
Because of this, mix up the timing on your jump-ins to make them difficult to parry.
J. HK especially is extremely strong for Sean against Necro.

Necro generally will generally try early anti airs against you if he feels you will jump.
Its unsafe for him, but if Necro guesses right and you are caught in electricity there isn't much you can do. But if he whiffs electricity on the ground you can punish him, but make sure its completely whiffed or it might hit you anyway. If he tries drills to jump in on you, a single (or double) parry into jab Dragon Smash works fine. He might try to J. HK into SA3, if you see him jump normally and is kinda floaty, just Cr. HP it.

Necro can be crossed up as he tech rolls from nearly every DP knockdown (even Wheel Kick ones at that). EX Dragon Smash is really strong in this match-up since Sean gets to confirm it against Necro on a meaty Cl.HK as he side-switches.

SA2 is very strong as well vs. Necro. Nearly everywhere on the screen and even stronger in the corner since Sean gets to reset with DP allowing a plethora of mix-ups if Necro techs. In the corner if Sean jumps forward after resetting with DP, you will land on the other side of his tech roll while having full control of which side you want to end up on after landing by simply taking a step left or leaving it leaving Necro to guess between a lot of mixups:

Left Side:

- Cr. LK x Cr. LP x SA2
- Cr. LK x St. LP x MP Dragon (Standing only)
- Cl. HK x EX Tornado/SA2
- Throw

Right Side:

- Cr. LK x Cr. LP x SA2
- Cr. LK x St. LP x MP Dragon (Standing only)
- Cl. HK x Far MP (Standing only)/EX Tornado/EX Dragon (Standing only)/SA2
- Throw
- EX Wheel (Crouching only)

Cl. HP x EX Dragon Smash works fully in this match-up whether stand or crouch. Necro can punish it with raw SA1 (if he has it) or a back LK TC x confirm super (its not easy) so keep this in mind.

After Necro throws you in the corner and combos Elbow Cannon, hes in the perfect range for a UOH x super or a Cr. LK x LP electric confirm so be aware of defaulting to crouch blocking on wake-up.

Any variation of Drill gets parried, its a free LP Dragon; EX Dragon may/may not trade which can allow you to dash up DP/super/etc.


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