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Showing posts from May, 2019

Oki Data

To further optimize things, I decided to log down the amount of time Sean gets on his KND's (not counting SA2 since taunt oki and Wheel Kick knockdowns are far in between and it varies depending on the height they get smacked down from) Hadou Burst Sean isn't granted the amount of time of okizeme as say, Gouki but he does get time to set some things up. The amount of time Sean gets off of quick cancel is set in stone but if he late cancels off a Cr. MK at max range, he gets rewarded with extra frames of time to set something up. Urien - +60 on knockdown normally          - +62 if Cr. LK Cr. LK x St. LP or max range late cancelled Cr. MK (mid screen standing)          - +64 if max range Cr. MK (midscreen crouching)          - +63 if max range late cancelled Cr. MK (cornered crouching) Oro/Elena - +39 on knockdown normally        - +43 if max range Cr. MK or Cr. LKx2 (midscreen...